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I-IATEVER happened to Christmas? Compared to those yesteryear, the 1981 version is no vintage year. The miners and a sector of...
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ITAIN stands to gain a mere 17 extra international licences from EEC next year through a decision taken "in principle" by the...
1ST POINTS values for ning have been increased by Road Transport Industry ining Board. he 1979/80 £2.60 rate for road lage has...
A MAJOR HEADACHE for transport operators sending replacement lorries to the Continent has been removed by EEC Transport...
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;ANIA is planning to switch production of all vehicles destined for e UK to its plant in Zwolle, Holland, because of the...
GUIDE to overnight accomiodation and cafés in the nited Kingdom and Europe irms a major part of the United Dad Transport...
A FIVE PER CENT wage increase has pushed Wilkinson Transport drivers' basic pay up to £100.37 for class one licence holders....
officer with the Po Office, taking over responsib ity for 27,000 commerci vehicles, cars, and moped and a staff of 3,450. Mr...
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IVATE OPERATORS could be long the few to benefit from immediate effects of the use of Lords' unanimous mi1 last week that the...
THE HOUSE of Commons tram port committee suspended on hearings of its protracted inqt iry into transport in Londoi pending the...
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tUNNEL" as a description of bridge-cum-tunnel now ig mooted for the Channel ;sing is more appropriate n the originator of the...
EXCUSE existed for Press I broadcasting reporters to be iny doubt about the practical )lications of the Armitage ort and the...
TONY BANKS, chairman of the Greater London Council arts and recreation committee, has visions of English National Opera...
MORE than 70,000 motorists are paying some £2.6 million a year to recover their illegally parked cars from ten London police...
DAF, which has already taker sound-deadening measures tc meet EEC regulations that WI not come into force until Marl 1983, has...
ALTHOUGH members of the Cabinet pay to dine with the Prime Minister at 10 Downini Street, eight Wellingborough councillors were...
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300D FELLOWSHIP on the road vas never better exemplified han in the experiences of Derek kllan, a Forfar haulier, when he vas...
COLLEAGUE went to the MMT annual banquet. "Any tbits?" I asked him afterwards. The deux chevaux sells more heaply in Britain...
A GROUND-FLOOR threeroomed flat — luxury, of course — has been built of plywood — what else? — to train furniture removers at...
A DUBLIN remover once told r how he took into store an a and treasured grandfather cic which had as a pendulum ts. open-ended...
NOT ALL Irish stories are amusing. One concerning an 8 year-old woman from Co Wexford who died while visitir a friend in...
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_OWING customers to delay tments is the equivalent of an arest-free loan and when a ainess is compelled to borrow order to...
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The arguments started 70 years ago, as John Durant found out in CM's files A vehide belonging to a sausage purveyor in London...
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The specs are ordinary, reports Tim Blakennore, but this vehicle passes the acic test: Would a driver choose any other lorn in...
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'HEN ASSESSING a past year's 3..avy vehicle road tests — for Jr purposes this means those ter 7.5 tonnes (7.38 tons) gvw we...
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DURING 1980 CM tested a total of 10 six and eight-wheelers to bring our tipper test comparisons right up to date. This year we...
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A BRACE of Seddon Atkinson 401s came our way this year — one with Cummins and the other with Rolls-Royce power. First off the...