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26th February 1954, Page 131
26th February 1954
Page 131
Page 131, 26th February 1954 — ABNORMAL LOADS AN EMBARRASSMENT
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

ABNORMAL loads were becoming an ever-increasing embarrassment to the country's narrow roads and bridges, stated Mr. J. G. Taylor, Ministry of Transport north-eastern divisional road engineer, when he spoke to the Yorkshire section of the Institute of Transport, ro adapt the railways for the movement of abnormal loads would be as costly as improving the roads for this purpose, he said. There had been a steady increase in the number, weight and size of indivisible loads which were being transported over trunk and classified roads. Some were 18 ft. high, misers over 20 ft. wide or more than 120 ft. long, but the most critical were those of excessive weight.

Loads of over 50 tons were exceptional before the war. Providing for future export and other industrial demands would necessitate a large and costly programme of bridge redecking and, in many cases, even rebuilding, "DANGEROUS ROADS" FOR PEAK TOURS

nli3ECTING to an application by

Sheffield Joint Omnibus Committee to run afternoon and evening tours to Bolsterstone, High and Low Bradfield and Moscar Top. a representative of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., told the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, last week, that they had considered operating tours in the area, but had decided against it because they thought some of the roads were dangerous for public service vehicles.

A corporation spokesman said there was an increasjng demand for short tours of the area, which was in the Peak National Park. There was a number of the town's reservoirs in the district.

S.U.T. stated that they already ran excursions to some of the reservoirs in the Park and had no difficulty in satikfying the demand.

Decision was reserved.