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Men In The News
MR. J. F. MacGttuvRay has been appointed group personnel manager of the British Tyre-and Rubber Co., Ltd., and their subsidiaries. MR. W. F. HUSBAND, public relations organizer......
29, 400 More Lorries I N The Year To August 31 Last,
29,400 more goods vehicles came into service. They brought the total to 957,500, compared with 928,100 a year earlier. These figures are contained in "Mechanically Propelled......
Southdown Want Traffic Manager
A TRAFFIC manager is required by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., to succeed the late Mr. F. W. Sellwood, whose death was reported last week. The successful applicant will be......
"working Men's" Tour Granted
TN the face of opposition by British 1 Railways, Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd.. Cotter's Motor Tours, and McKelvie and Co., Ltd., the Scottish Licensing Authority has granted......
Fire Engines In Prime Metal Finish
N EW fire engines for Kent Fire Brigade are to have their sides finished in unpainted embossed aluminium. The traditional red is to be abandoned to minimize the effect of......