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Minister of Transport Gives Encouragement to These Institutions and Makes Suggestions UCH encouragement to the.cause of...
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UITE apart from such matters as the removal of purchase tax on commercial vehicles, a reduction to a reasonable figure of the...
A Generous Lecturer nUR compliments to Dr. J. H. Nelson, Ph.D., B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., senior lighting engineer of Joseph...
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That it may soon be made illegal for any road user to be a road abuser. Much of the need to fill the trains but too little of...
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D t or l en d ers i Li t R1 : More ates or en ers n
ates or en ers n Units Sold in Second Schedule TRANSPORT units without premises, which failed to find buyers in I Lists 1 and...
T HE view that British Road Services were operating too many vehicles for the work concerned and that they were disposing only...
A FIER their claim for a substantial increase in pay was refused by the employers at a joint meeting on Monday, representatives...
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Depot and 26 Vehicles: 21 More Purchases y AST Saturday a London ex-haulier, Mr. Jack -1– 'Coales, recovered substantially his...
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MR. J. F. MacGttuvRay has been appointed group personnel manager of the British Tyre-and Rubber Co., Ltd., and their...
29,400 more goods vehicles came into service. They brought the total to 957,500, compared with 928,100 a year earlier. These...
A TRAFFIC manager is required by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., to succeed the late Mr. F. W. Sellwood, whose death was...
TN the face of opposition by British 1 Railways, Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd.. Cotter's Motor Tours, and McKelvie and Co., Ltd.,...
N EW fire engines for Kent Fire Brigade are to have their sides finished in unpainted embossed aluminium. The traditional red...
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M ONEY allotted by the Government for road works was inade q uate for the 330 ur g ent road-improvement schemes su gg ested to...
CEVENTY SEVEN services are DJ affected by proposals for hi g her fares which Hi g hland Omnibuses, Ltd.. Inverness, have...
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r_ IVING evidence for Leon Motor ‘ , -- 1 Services, Ltd., Doncaster, before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority in Leeds, last...
members were invited to a 'film show which the Road Haulage Association's Leeds Sub-area held last week in Leeds. About 160...
A MEETING of Birmingham Transport Committee agreed last week to apply to the National Joint Industrial Council for Approval of...
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A CONDITION attached to the offer of 6s. a week higher pay made by the Ulster Transport Authority to 1,500 drivers, mates and...
O " . 131 goods vehicles inspected by traffic examiners in the West Midlands since January 1, 72.5 per cent. were defective....
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F "people would dispute the value of co-ordination in the sense that it applied to The National Conference of Road Transport...
P ROFITABLE operation of Coras I Iompair Eireann might be possible were it not for the illegal carriage of goods for hire or...
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Ai FRACTIONATING column, believed to be the largest ever shipped from this country, was carried from the works of G. A. Harvey...
A NEW vehicle with a body built by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., at Rutherglen, for their furnishing...
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Courts Construe in the Narrowest Terms Clauses by in Contracts Seeking . to Limit Liability for Our Legal Damages : Important...
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service between the Fulham factory of Henry Teller, Ltd., Lillie Road, London, S.W.6, and the company's Greenwich depot, a...
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by Laurence J. Cotton, NI.I.R.T.E. C ONDITIONS could scarcely have been worse for carrying out fuel-consumption tests than on...
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I F a contract of carriage between a public service vehicle operator and a passenger is established from the moment that a...
the railways, but to all road passenger services provided by the Commission, and it will be noticed that this prohibition on...
A MORRIS-COMMERCIAL chassis forms the basis of an ambulance which Cunard Commercial Body Building Co., Ltd., Abbeydale Road,...
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Steering Gear A HYDRAULIC power-assisted steering mechanism suitable for passenger vehicles and medium-weight goods vehicles...
THE road-safety problem was summed J. up succinctly by Dr. W. H. Glanville, director of road research, Department of Scientific...
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Extended Powers for Licensing Authorities : Codified Regulations on Seating Capacity and Standing Passengers By Our Legal Adviser
deal with road transport are important. Provisions concerning seating capacity and standing passengers are particularly...
JUDGING by the amount of space J devoted to it in the Danish Press. the introduction of a new Scammell • Scarab articulated...
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High Court Ruling on the Sale of Unroadworthy Vehicles Reverses a Popular Interpretation of the Law By R. E. G. Brown,...
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W HEN Herbert Frood made his first brake block in a small hut at Chapel-en-le-Frith. Derbyshire, he little realized that within...
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A FODEN four-wheeler specially rl fitted with an insulated 1,500tallon aluminium tank by The A.P.V, =a, Ltd., Wandsworth Park,...
INTERESTING results came from I tests made by the Detroit Department Health into the best position for :resh-air intakes on...
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says Alan Smith —Who Reports His Findings on the Qualities of Various Types of Polish and Detergent Shampoo A LTHOUGH keeping...
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A RANGE of detergents specially .t"i blended for vehicle washing is being marketed by Philip Spanjer and Co., 261 Cricklewood...
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3 INCE The Commercial Motor -published on February 12 the conflicting views of the Yorkshire and Metropolitan Licensing...
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a few months can see the fulfilment of Most of his political hopes, whether he wanted chiefly to buy back an :quired business...
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I N my previous article 1 dealt with some of the most obvious ways of making the name and business of a haulier known to...
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DATENT No. 702,701, refers to build ings rather than vehicles, but is of interest to the transport world because it discloses...
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Joint Discussions on Rates by R.H.A. and B.R.S. Might Promote Stability in Charges O NLY two months after British Road...
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O NE of the reasons why transport units with I./premises are difficult to sell is that many buyers are existing operators who...
Show Organizers Please Note T HE official catalogue of the recent International Motor Show at Geneva is of particular...
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That two-speed axles are becoming quite the rage. An increasing elamour - against toughened-glass for windscreens. 'Chat its...
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S IXTY-FOUR units (204 vehicles plus trailers) engaged on contract hire are offered by the British Transport Commission in List...
THE Western Licensing Authority has granted special A licences to the following:— B. Lyon, 4 Pend Orlieu. Bridgwater. Som.. t...
C OMPANY bus operators would like to see the introduction of a regulation making it an offence for a conductor to fail to issue...
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A DECISION that may be the beginning of case law under the r m. Transport Act, 1953, was published last week by the Transport...
A RESOLUTION expressing disEa appointment "that no steps have yet been taken to restore passenger road transport services to...
Manufacturers and Traders and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents have indicated their support for the resolution...
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MR. P. C. Sillier has been appointed East Midlands representative of Lodge Plugs, Ltd. Ma. G. G. Dove has been appointed tyre...
MEW control methods have been introduced by London Transport to cut down gaps, bunching and crawling by buses in Central...
in service at the main British Road Services London teleprinter centre, is equipped for broadcasting to 40 stations. This...
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magistrates last week fined Explorator, Ltd., Lowestoft, £10 with £12 costs for using an insulated container as part of a...
N EARLY £300,000 a year will result from fare increases which the Scottish Licensing Authority has authorized the State-owned...
A BNORMAL loads were becoming an ever-increasing embarrassment to the country's narrow roads and bridges, stated Mr. J. G....
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IN the Yorkshire Traffic Area, 72 special A licences had been issued up to March 13, and it was known that another 70 vehicles...
WHEN United Automobile Services, VV Ltd., applied last week for permission to operate stage services in place of rail...
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wHAT is claimed to be one of the vY most up-to-date fuel-injection equipment maintenance departments has been brought into...
S HORT-DISTANCE fares, with the exception of the Id. minimum, on the Todmorden-Bacup-Burnley service of the Todmorden Joint...
T HE most serious bearing failures were caused by dirt getting between he housing and the back of the bearng, said Mr. P. P....
A reduction of 3d. in rates by West Bridgford is partly attributed to the transport department's pa z ing its way, Liverpool...
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PA A 1-TON van similar in appearance, layout and dimensions to the German Volkswagen, but with a twocylindered two-stroke...
THREE new battery-electric vehicles and one new petrol-engined truck are on view at the Second National Factory Equipment...
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r HE possibility that the discharge of fumes from buses was a cause of ung and throat cancer, was put foryard as a basis for...
A 6TEP that, if ratified, may mean 1-1 changes in the law relating to the construction and use of vehicles in Britain was taken...
TWELVE London operators were 1 tined a total of £273, with costs amounting to £25 9s. 6d., at Cambridge Magistrates' Court,...
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by Andrew Seacombe B RITISH commercial enterprise, which last year, came to the rescue of the travelling - public of Kingston,...
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A MOBILE advertising and film unit based on a Land - Rover chassis has been completed for J. Bibby and Sons, Ltd., soap...
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A LMOST unnoticed among the odds and ends ot recent legislation has been Statutory Instrument _No. 98, entitled the Road...
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Prices of Transport Units Rising Publicity Brings Big Orders for Purchaser of B.R.S. Vehicles p RICES offered for transport...
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T HE increasing use of low-viscosity oils and the more widespread adoption of additive-type oils, marked two readily...
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By Alan Smith p RODUCTION at the Cwmbran factory of Girling, Ltd., is running at the•rate of. 50,000 brakes and 18,000 dampers...
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by Laurence J. Cotton. • B Y judicial selection of transmission ratios, the designer of the Dodge 3-tonner has provided a...
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N a new two-stage fuel filter I announced by Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Leamington Spa, both the primary and secondary...
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'WAGES for platform staff employed W by 1,459 coach and bus operators with more than five vehicles each, excluding London...
IF it is conceded that upper-cylinder 1 lubricant should be provided only on starting up a cold or partially cold engine, the...
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Metropolitan Licensing Authority Rejects Application for Second London Picking up Point : Denies Preference for One Operator 1...
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THE disposal of . British Road Services' assets is hardly " denationalization." I think the term "clearance sale "would be more...
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Direct Ancillary Operation is Applicable When Fewer than a Dozen or More than 50 Vehicles Can be Employed: the Professional...
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1 - '-flE operating forces in a centrifugal I governor vary as the square of the speed, whereas the return springs follow only...