Platform Wages Rise by £4m. in a Year
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'WAGES for platform staff employed W by 1,459 coach and bus operators with more than five vehicles each, excluding London Transport, rose by £4m. in 1952. Of a total expenditure of £165.1m., wages constituted the biggest single item at £59.1m.
As reported in The Commercial Motor last week, the profits of these operators increased by £1.4m. between 1951-52 and 1952-53, revenue rising from £159.3m. to £174.8m. •Stage services contributed £139.7m., express carriages Om., excursions and 'tours £6.5m., and private hire £16.7m.
These figures are contained in "Public Road Passenger Transport Statistics, Great Britain" (Stationery Office, Is. 3d.).
Figures from all operators show passenger receipts of £181.3m. — £141.2m. from stage carriages, £9.7m. from express services; £7.6m. from excursions and tours and £22.8m. from private hire.
The average profit made by operators of more than five vehicles was 1.04(1. per vehicle-mile for motorbuses and coaches and 1.84d. for trolleybuscs. London Transport made a surplus of I43d. per vehicle-mile on trolleybuses. but lost 0.22d. on motorbuses and coaches. Other operators, including rationalized undertakings in Scotland and the provinces, made profits of 1.29(1. per vehicle-mile on motorbuses and coaches and 2.67d. on trolleybuses.
Coach and bus receipts per vehiclemile for all operators averaged 23.78d. and expenditure 22.73d. Corresponding figures for trolleybuses were 29.47d. and 27.65d.
Receipts on buses and coaches, other than those operated by London Transport, in terms of passenger journeys, averaged 4.2d.. and on trolleybuses, 2.1d.
Broken down, the average receipts per passenger were 3.4d. from stage services. 40.6d. from express services, 48d. from excursions and tours and 23.6d. from private hire. Revenue per passenger mile was made up of 22.5d. from stage working, 21,6d. from express operation, 24.9d. from excursions and tours and 22d. from contract carriages.
Analysis of the returns of operators other than London Transport shows that of the expenditure of 2I.88d. per mile on buses and coaches, repairs accounted for 3.22d., traffic expenses for 9.94d. (including drivers' and conductors' wages of 7.84d.), fuel for 4.22d., licences for 0.54d., other expenses for 2d. and depreciation. for 1.95d.
In 1952, 10,428m. people travelled on buses and coaches (excluding those of London Transport)-10,100m. on stage services, 57m. on express carriages, 38rn, on excursions and tours and 233m, on private-hire vehicles. All sections. with the exception of excursions and tours, showed an increase in traffic over 1951.