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" Children . Passed Over Heads "

26th February 1954
Page 34
Page 34, 26th February 1954 — " Children . Passed Over Heads "
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

r_ IVING evidence for Leon Motor ‘,--1 Services, Ltd., Doncaster, before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority in Leeds, last week, a witness. said that when he and his family travelled by rail to Yarmouth in 1949 he had to stand all the way and the children had to be passed over the heads of adults. On four occasions he had tried unsuccessfully to book tickets with United Automobile Service, Ltd.

Leon Motor Services._ Ltd., were seeking permission to operate.a service to Great Yarmouth on all Saturdays , throughout the holiday season, instead of on only six Saturdays. They also asked to increase their vehicle allowance from three to five.

The Licensing Authority, .Maj. F. S. Eastivood, said that list year the company -were authorifed to operate the service on only five Saturdays. According to statistics submitted by them, they

had in fact run it on eight. .

• Counsel for British Railways, who objected, said at this point that it Was becoming "something of a Mad Hatter's tea party." with which. the applicants did not disagree.

Hearing was adjourned.

Messrs. J. W. Mosley and Son and Messrs. A. Rowe and Sons, who applied for permission. to .Operate a service to Yarmouth from Barnsley, were told that the Authority would announce later-which would be allowed to operate. A similar application by Greyhound Luxury Coaches, Barnsley.

was refused. •