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Yorks Cattle Case Adjourned Again

28th January 1955
Page 30
Page 30, 28th January 1955 — Yorks Cattle Case Adjourned Again
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HEARING was resumed before the "Yorkshire Licensing Authority last week of the block application by 31 East Yorkshire cattle hauliers for extenxions of radius. Earlier proceedings were reported in The Commercial Motor on November5 and Novem'her 19, 1954. The case was adjourned for -another, month.

• • Mr. J. Waite, director of G. W. Waite, Ltd;,•Hedon, said that hauliers were no longer capable of coping with traffic. from Hull and • Beverley markets. At Bull market, 20" Sows and 150 bacon pigs were normally handled in the days of Government control, but the average Inarke.klay' complement was now 8001,100 bacon pigs and 40-60 sows, 'Figures for cattle had doubled. Be could not reinember : arecent market day 1,vbien stack had not been left over until noon or even night time the next day.

It was difficult to find a livestock carrier to help in 'an emergency, said Mr. Waite. "1 would welcome other ' hauliers in our area."

The British Transport Commission opposed_ the application.