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Quickly Detachable Semitrailers for 14-tonners Yield New Scope in Trunk Haulage H AUL1ERS returning to trunk work are becoming...
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T HE scheme for modernizing the railways, announced on Monday, should serve as a stimulant to hauliers. It sets out a design...
Big ,Interest in Small Shows N OT everyone, however interested, can visit the biennial Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court,...
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That the most valuable opinion is not always the most voluble one. That this year's Motor Show at Geneva will be specially...
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IT has been revealed that the Transport and General Workers Union I have demanded from the National Joint Industrial Council...
T HE Ministry of Transport has completed the plans for road modernization under the Government's new, extended scheme, and the...
depot I of British Road Services, with 11 vehicles, had been sold to Mr. J. Hodgson, Melkinthorpe, a long-distance operator...
number of makes of commercial vehicle at the Amsterdam Show, to be held from February 3-12. There will be 18 makes from the...
I Services are terminating hire contracts and offering customers new agreements at higher rates, subject to the introduction of...
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WITH an average of two vehicles per unit, list R.5 of transport units, VT published on Wednesday, again caters almost...
road transport Tor traffic was to be deplored, stated Sir Brian Robertson, chairman of the British Transport Commission, when...
MEGOTIATIONS between Exeter Corporation and the Devon General Omnibus Co., Ltd., over the proposed sale of the city's transport...
" S OME people think that it is impossible to cure London's traffic problem. It certainly is by adding to the enormous, irksome...
F OLLOWING the Baghdad and Damascus Fairs, orders worth £250,000 have so far been placed with Leyland Motors, Ltd., and...
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O N Wednesday, British Road Services announced that they had decided to reorganize the South Eastern, Midland, Eastern,...
mated that it will cost at least £64m. to construct essential new roads and put their classified roads in a fit state to deal...
nESPITE objections by the British Transport Commission and five independent operators, the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday...
A N allegation that Wessex Coaches, Ltd., were co-operating with Bristol Co-operative Society, Ltd., and the Bristol Tramways...
T 'Minister of Transport has allowed an appeal by four tour operator's against a decision of the North Western Licensing...
/ -1 A NEW and higher pay offer has been made to their bus workers by the London Transport Executive. A delegate conference of...
A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor , on January 14, the North Weste?n Road Car Co., Ltd., have applied to the North...
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T HE Eastern Licensing Authority last week granted Mr. H. A. Harvey, of Cottenham, permission to run three Continental tours...
F INAL results of list 8 of transport units, given to The Commercial' Motor on Wednesday, show that 73 per cent, of the...
fares will he the subject of a paper to be read by Mr. T. G. Davies, general manager of . the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd.,...
A T the by-election at Twickenham an Tuesday, The Conservative candidate, Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, director of the Society of...
L EYLAND Comet lorries and a 1 âJ Super Hippo tractor are being used by the Bremang Gold Dredging Co. to carry dismantled...
WHEN the West Midland Licensing VI' Authority granted M. and M. Coaches, Ltd., Kidderminster, and Messrs. Yarrington Bros.,...
T HE enormous financial cost" entailed in traffic-court hearings was mentioned by Mr. L. W. A. White before the East Midland...
P EOPLE queued over 15 hours to book summer coach seats at the Pond Street office of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd.., when...
W HEN the propeller shaft of a burs of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., sheared at the front coupling, the...
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'TEETHING troubles arising from the I introduction of the new Reliance and Mercury medium-weight models had now been overcome,...
trun, Spain, on twice-weekly journeys to Madrid and Barcelona with 10-ton loads of chocolate. . The 300-mile trip to the...
QEPARATION of the finances of the Ulster. Transport Authority'S passenger and freight services, so that fares are not inflated...
G LOUCESTER no longer objects to the buildidg of the Severn bridge.. Mr. L. 0. Need, Gloucester's town clerk, told the South...
R EPRESENTING a saving to the undertaking of about £210 a year, a reduction from 0.64d. to 0.62d. in the tyre mileage rate has...
A N appeal against an assessment by the rating valuation officer in respect of their premises at Attercliffe Road, Sheffield,...
THE advantages of using an 1 aluminium cylinder block with wear properties superior to the normal untreated cast-iron block...
for many years to come, stated Mr. J. R. Hanchett, assistant. rolling stock engineer of Bradford Transport Department, when he...
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H EARING was resumed before the "Yorkshire Licensing Authority last week of the block application by 31 East Yorkshire cattle...
A DRIVER who was summoned at Wimbledon lastweek for failing to take 10 hours' rest in a working period of 24 hours told the...
WITH all manufacturing centres less 1 ' 1c ... than 90 miles from the coast, it was not reasonable that goods should sometimes...
THE Industrial Court have decided that wages paid to drivers by G. H. Kime and Co., Ltd., Wrangle, Boston, Lines, were unfair....
E IGHT luxury tours on the Continent, ranging in duration from 15 to 30 days, have been arranged by Red Line Continental...
A CHECK on arrival and departure times of lorries bringing milk to a Driflield factory led to four men being summoned at...
British i r l f Road Services depot at North Bridge, Doncaster, last week, about 20 lorries, some fully laden, were moved away...
sent out by 1 Edinburgh Corporation to various bodies to attend a conference at which a demand will be made for an immediate...
A T their meeting last week, Glasgow Corporation unanimously approved the introduction of a Id. fare for oldage pensioners on...
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L - OR the past seven days, a Dodge 6-tonner operated by Jack Coates and Son, Ltd., 40 Chiswick Common Road, London, WA, has...
nELIVER1ES of Perkins multi eylindered oil engines were 30.7 per cent., greater last year than in 1953, comparative figures...
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Auckland Fighting Traffic Decline with Clever Publicity : British Trolleybuses and Motorbuses Popular by D. J. O'Neill I T is...
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By BRYAN A. PARKER B RITISH oil-engine manufacturers and vehicle builders generally favour engines of high torqueoutput at a...
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The Courts' Attitude Towards Skidding Seems Greatly to Depend on Whether or Not the Act of Skidding Was Something Which the...
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Non-standard Conversions are Not to be Feared by John Savage, A.I.R.T.E. S OUND .engineering practice, common sense and...
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A NEW bulk grain carrier has been placed in service by Messrs. C. Young and Sons, Spring Gardens, Alresford, Hants. It is being...
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Says P. D. Patterson, Dunlop Research Centre T HE general acceptance of tubeless tyres for private cars, both in this country...
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B.M.M.O. Review Fares Again: How Birmingham Corporation, Scottish Omnibuses, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bristol Tramways,...
O BJECTIONS were again made by two local authorities when East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., appealed at Hull, last week,...
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the British Transport Commission's publications, an employee of British Road Services has claimed that the concentration of...
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T HE reply by "Technical Representative " (your issue dated January 14) to my letter concerning T.M.C. Panels, WhiCh you kindly...
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ys, Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. C HANGES in transport come closer home to the Scotsman-in-the-street than they do to his...
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A PANEL of experts was invited by . 1--1 the Institute of Road Transport Engineers to answer questions oh road ia fe t y and...
B ECAUSE there is "an enormous turnover" of conductors, there is no need for any form of licensing for them, say the...
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/ N the early days of the road haulage industry, most of the haulage businesses were of the owner-driver type: rhese men not...
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A TRANSMISSION system in which a fast-running flywheel is used to absorb energy when braking and return it for acceleration is...