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B.r.s. Merge Five Divisions In Three
O N Wednesday, British Road Services announced that they had decided to reorganize the South Eastern, Midland, Eastern, Western and SouthWestern Divisions into three divisions.......
At Least £64.m. Needed For . Roads Qixty County Councils...
mated that it will cost at least £64m. to construct essential new roads and put their classified roads in a fit state to deal adequately with the probable traffic. ' A five-year......
Remover's Radius Raised To 60 Miles
nESPITE objections by the British Transport Commission and five independent operators, the Transport Tribunal on Tuesday increased from 20 miles to 60 miles the radius of......
Running Small Operators Off Road?
A N allegation that Wessex Coaches, Ltd., were co-operating with Bristol Co-operative Society, Ltd., and the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., in an effort to "run the......
Change In Acquired Tours Too Great
T 'Minister of Transport has allowed an appeal by four tour operator's against a decision of the North Western Licensing Authority granting permission to Wallace Arnold Tours,......
L.t.e. Make New Pay Offer
/ -1 A NEW and higher pay offer has been made to their bus workers by the London Transport Executive. A delegate conference of London Transport busmen will consider it today. An......
North Western Seek Higher Fares
A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor , on January 14, the North Weste?n Road Car Co., Ltd., have applied to the North Western Licensing Authority for permission to raise......