Express Wins at Northampton
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ADRY and mainly sunny day was the reward for the organizers of the Northampton round of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition, who moved the date forward from St. Swithin's day to midsummer for this year's event. The experience gained from last year's first competition at Northampton stood the organizers in good stead, and although there was an increase in the number of competitors over last year to a total of 99, the tests had all been completed by 3.25 p.m. Once again one or two entrants had to he switched to a different class, although this caused no delay in the flow of competitors through the tests at the cattle market. Simplification of the loading bay test over last year may have removed some of the interest from what was, once again, the most popular of the three manceuvring operations, although some very creditable performances were recorded.
While the fact that E. Cockerill was the only entrant in Class A made him an automatic winner, credit must still be given for his performance, his total penalty of 239 points being only 13 more than the winner of Class B. The first three drivers in Class D came very close together, only seven points separating the winner, F. Wisby, from the driver who came third, and who was himself only beaten by one driver in any of the other classes.
As the size of vehicle increased, so did the ultimate score of penalties tend to increase. But an exception was recorded by driver W. J. Randall, who justified his win last year when he was sole entrant in Class G by winning again, this time in the face of four competitors. To do this he decreased his penalty by 110 points over last year to score 159 points with his Leyland articulated low-loader.
Many other local operators again gave their support to the competition, and Knights of Old Ltd., who last year gained cups in two classes (D and Fl), this year scored a class winner through driver S. Brown in Class Fl. Drivers D. Hogg. of C. Butt Ltd., and G. Horner, of William Crawford and Sons, were again placed third in Classes B and C respectively. Last year's cup winners in Class D were all unplaced, F. Wisby, of Petrofina (0.13.) Ltd., taking the honours with his B.M.C. vehicle to become Overall winner
of the day. G. Chapman, who came third in Class El last year, improved his performance to go forward to the finals. Best team performance was by drivers of Express Dairy Ltd., Ruislip, who " invaded " Northampton to carry off a first prize and two seconds, which, I am quite sure, they entirely justified.
A welcome feature was the continuous availability of refreshments, and all credit must be given to Mr. A. E. Maynard, organizing secretary and his colleagues for making this a very satisfactory day.
RESULTS OF NORTHAMPTON COMPETITION CLASS A—up to 16 ft.: 1. E. Cockerill (S. W. Wreford and Sons Ltd.), Cornmer, 239 penalty points. (One entry.) CLASS 11-16-19 ft.: 1, J. Dakin (Express Dairy Ltd.), Austin, 226; 2, M. I. Challis (F. S. Challis). Bedford, 303; 3, El Hogg C. Butt Ltd.), Bedford, 319.
CLASS C-19-22 ft.: 1, L. Roe (Charles Franklin Ltd.). Dennis Pax, 135: 2, R. Butler (British Oxygen Co. Ltd.), Bedford, 178; 3, G, Hamer (William Crawford and Sons). Morris, 244.
CLASS D-22-25 ft.: 1, F. Wisby (Petrofina (G.B.) Ltd.). B.M.C., 140; 2, W. Warner (Express Dairy Ltd.), Austin, 146: 3, G. Tiffany (Churchill and Williams Ltd.), Morris, 147. CLASS El—over 25 ft., two axles: 1, G. Chapman (S. W. Wreford and Sons Ltd.), Leyland. 170; 2, A. J. Whitehead (Phipps Northampton Brewery Co. Ltd.). Commer. 178; 3, R. W. Sncdker (Phipps Northampton Brewery Co. Ltd.). Commer. 211.
CLASS E2—over 25 ft., more than two axles: 1, R. Wooley (Shell-Mex and B.P. Ltd.), A.E.C., 160; 2, F. Scales (Express Dairy Ltd.), A.E.C.. 175; 3. R. C. Rowling (British Road Services), A.E.C., 186.
CLASS Fl—articulated tractive Knits under 4 tons, flat or sided semi-trailer up to 30 ft.: 1, S. Brown (Knights of Old Ltd.). A.E.C.. 209; 2. H. I. King (C. Butt Ltd.), B.M.C., 251: 3, N. Frisby (F. W. Randall and Sons Ltd.), Bedford, 266.
CLASS G—artieulated tractive units over 4 tons, Ilat or sided semi-trailers up to 30 ft.: 1, W. I. Randall (F. W. Randall and Sons Ltd.). Leyland, 159; 2, W. It. Pringle (British Road Services Ltd.), Bristol, 266: 3. C. Swann (Northamptonshim Farmers Ltd.), Foden. 299.
CLASS H—articulated tractive units over 4 tons, box or tanker semi-trailers: I. G. Broaden (ShellMex and B.P. Ltd.), A.E.C., 240: 2. D. F. Moore (Liquefied Pressure GaSCS Ancillary Services Ltd.). Leyland. 550. (Two entries.)
CLASS S—Standard Army vehicles. 19-24-it.: 1. CD!. Cook (R.A.F. North Luffenham). Bedford, 293; 2, Sgt. Chalmers IR.A.F. Wittering). Bedford, 327: 3, CM. Lake (R.A.F. Stradishall), Bedford. 457. OVERALL WINNER: F. Wisby (Petrofina (0.8.) Ltd.). TEAM AWARD: Express Dairy Ltd. (3. Dakin, W. Warner and F. Scales), Mal 547.