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Investigating Alleged Illegal Operating
T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority. Maj. F. S. Eastwood, revealed at Leeds last week that 109 cases of alleged illegal operation in the carrying of salt were in the process of......
Tower Transport Decision Reserved
T HE Eastern Licensing Authority, .Mr. W. P. S. Ormond. last week reserved his \ decision in the 12 furniture vans B to A licence application by Tower Transport......
Decision Reserved On Express Services A Pplications By W....
wick Ltd. and Scout Motor Services Ltd., concluded at Manchester last Friday, sought to remodel some of the two companies' express services between Cohn, Blackpool, Fleetwood......
Livestock Licence Extended
A N additional vehicle for livestock transport was granted, at Inverness last week, to Mr. Henry Lumsden, farmer and sheep dealer, of Toab, Orkney, carrying on business as a......