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Fr HE Labour Party may well wish to remain discreetly quiet 1 about its plans for road transport, should it form the next...
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LABOUR'S PLANS FOR TRANSPORT FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT B IG chan g es in the road haulage licensin g laws are comin g...
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A N increase of 8s. 9d. in the basic weekly wage of drivers and head loaders employed in the surface transport and goods...
T HE Scottish Co-operative Transport Association is gravely concerned about education and training in transport departments,...
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!RESIDES the vehicles and equipment described in The Commercial Motor last week, the International Construction Equipment...
O VERLOADINO and unsafe loads, vehicles that smoke and artics that jack-knife were severely criticized by Mr. W. E. Watson,...
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T HE year ended December 31. 1962. was a very good one for British Road Services, the Tilling and Scottish bus groups and...
I N 1962 there were 387 candidates for the Royal Society of Arts road transport examinations, a rise compared with 1961 (341)...
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THE Transport Tribunal, sitting in London on Tuesday, dismissed an appeal by Biscoe Transport Ltd., of Ipswich, against the...
THE question of whether or not a long), length trailer can be operated within the weight restriction under which R.A.H....
56 tons, involving a change of base, resulted in an application by W. Nuttall and Sons Ltd., Clifton, at Manchester on...
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"A PERSON who, having applied for a carrier's licence, is aggrieved: (a) by the decision of the licensing authority on the...
IT IS not very often that the Transport Tribunal allows additional evidence to be given in an appeal. At a recent appeal...
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THREE very big applications are listed L this week, two in the North Western Area and one in the West Midlands. Walker Bros....
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T HE Yorkshire Licensing Authority. Maj. F. S. Eastwood, revealed at Leeds last week that 109 cases of alleged illegal...
T HE Eastern Licensing Authority, .Mr. W. P. S. Ormond. last week reserved his \ decision in the 12 furniture vans B to A...
wick Ltd. and Scout Motor Services Ltd., concluded at Manchester last Friday, sought to remodel some of the two companies'...
A N additional vehicle for livestock transport was granted, at Inverness last week, to Mr. Henry Lumsden, farmer and sheep...
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Edinburgh Bus Policy Report F URTHER comment on the potential passenger-carrying capabilities of 36-ft.-long single-deckers,...
T HE first batch of 12 Guy Arab Mark V double-deckers, part of an order for 50, was handed over to Wolverhampton Corporation...
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Sir Henry Spurrier is First Leyland President QIIR HENRY SPURRIER, who is 65, Li has resigned as chairman of the Leyland Motor...
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What do the Noise Proposals Mean? 'THE draft regulations on motor vehicle I noise reported in last week's issue could have a...
Motor Corporation and Taskers of Andover (1932) Ltd. Austin and Morris tractive units are to be offered already fitted with...
AIR-HYDRAULIC braking systems Pl. are now available as optional equipment on all Thames Trader six-cylinder forwardand...
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MORE FLEETUNES FOR MANCHESTER: Another 30 Daimler Fleetline chassis have been ordered by Manchester Corporation Transport...
of Transport (June 2-5) papers will be presented to Lord Rochdale, chairman of the committee which produced the report on...
" full details of each of the 46,000 items stored at Dunstable and can refer to any of them in less than half a second, is...
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A .RANGE of nine spreaders for such r - k things as sand, gravel and salt made by Maskinfabriken Epoke of Denmark has been...
The most interesting of these is the Conquest 4-ton tipping trailer, which has basic 2-ft. sides giving a capacity of 100 cu....
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T HE revival of the type name " Badger " accompanies the introduction today of a new Leyland tractive unit suitable for...
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THE annual "test match" between the Metropolitan and I the East Midlands areas of the National Association of Furniture...
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ALL THE WI NVIRONMENT ' ASHLEY TAYLOR, A.M.I.R.T.E. t ASSOC.INST.T. D URING the past year plans have been implemented by...
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R OUND-THE-CLOCK operation of trunking vehicles is essential to transport economy and in the case of farm-produce traffic from...
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M OST of the light-duty six-wheelers based on massproduction 7or 8-ton chassis have single-drive bogies, and this is an...
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of British opinion" B RITISH transport operators had divided or concealed opinions about the likely effect upon them of entry...
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P ENALTY points lost in the Highway Code Test by the 22 competitors included in the class results of the Cheltenham Lorry...
A DRY and mainly sunny day was the reward for the organizers of the Northampton round of the Lorry Driver of the Year...
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VOA the second year the Leeds Lorry I Driver overall winner was decided by a run-off on identical Bedford TK vans. This year he...
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Altogether 112,296 premises werenow on the continental dustless rounds, this representing 35 per cent of the potential....
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I N contrast with the transport industry, farming is wellsupplied with vital statistics as to its productive capacity and...