Good First Try at Cheltenham
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PENALTY points lost in the Highway Code Test by the 22 competitors included in the class results of the Cheltenham Lorry Driver of the Year competition on Sunday totalled 71 and averaged 3.2, and this was hailed by dir. R. W. Brain, chairman or the Coventry Road Accident Prevention Council-as the highlight of a "very good first try ". Drivers were questioned on the Highway Code by a chief inspector, Mr. A. Tucker, and a number who had taken part in competitions in other centres reported that the questions were no easier here.
The organizing committee is to be congratulated on its decision to close the entry list at a total of 50, as an alternative to courting confusion by overambitious planning. Clerk of the course, Mr. W. E. Sanderson, was confident that next year's Cheltenham contest will be the best ever, and it is noteworthy that he has enthusiastic backing of his corn
mince and marshals despite the fact that he is the only one who has attended a contest at another centre.
The event lacked cohesion, mainly because of the absence of public address facilities, and there was a general air of newness; the marshals on the kerb-parking test checked the wrong wheel of articulated tractive units, yet the newness had some vitality. The weather at Brockworth was reasonably kind, results were produced on time with full details and duplicated result sheets were available within a few minutes of the prizegiving by the chief constable of Gloucestershire, Mr. E. P. B. White.
Whether to hold a run-off to decide the best driver of the day, or to award the prize on a points basis, was finally settled after lunch by the offer of West Country Breweries Ltd. of Cheltenham to loan three D-class K-type Bedfords for the event, despite the non-eligibility of any of their drivers. This was hard luck on R. Perrins, of the Austin Company, first in Class C with a loss of 72 points, who would have easily qualified for the bestdriver award on points, but the overall winner, G. McMullen, who was best in Class F2 driving a Morris articulated van for Fisher and Ludlow, put up a performance at the wheel of the rigid platform lorry that would have been difficult to beat on any formula. He was penalized only 83 points, 66 of which were lost in the width-judging test. Runner-up S. L. Cooper of the R.A.F. (the only Services' entrant in Class S) lost 123 points, Both McMullen and Perrins came through the Highway Code and route tests without a single penalty point, whilst Cooper was penalized 5 and 11 points respectively.
Road safety organizer for the County of Gloucestershire and chief marshal of the kerb-parking test, Col. W. G. Randolph, remarked on the extraordinary difference in skill between the best and the not-so-good drivers. P.A.C.B.
CLASS A—up to 16 ft. and front 25-5 cwt: 1, F. Yardley (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris, 107 penalty points: 2. W. Levis (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin. 201: 3. H. Gardner (Austin Motor Co. Ltd). Austin. 229.
CLASS B-16-19 ft.: 1, G. Willis (Paragon Laundries Ltd.). Commer, 119: 2, D. Hanks (Paragon Laundries Ltd.). Commer. 144: 3. W. Broadhurst (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin, 195.
CLASS C-19-22 ft4 1. R. Perrins (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.). Austin 72; 2. B. Elliot (Elliot Bros. Ltd.), A.E.C.. 162; 3, R. Strong (Tate and Lyle Ltd.). Austin. 173.
CLASS IS-22-25 ft.: 1. B. Watts (Fisher and Ludlow). Morris. 100: 2, V. Mynnen (Tate and Lyle Ltd.). Foden, 108; 3, A. Hunt (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris. 112.
CLASS El—over 25 ft., Iwo =les No entrant.
CLASS E2—over 25 ft.. more than two sales: (I entrant) S. Hinton (Beechams Foods Ltd,), Atkinson. 208.
CLASS Ft—articulated tractive salts under 4 tons, Mat or sided semi-trailer up to 34 ft.: I, L. Read (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin. 135: 2. R. Edwards (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris, 169: 3, F. Avery (Tate and Lyle Ltd.), Bedford. 190.
CLASS E2—articulated tractive units under 4 tons. boa or tanker geod-troller6 OP to 30 ft.: 1. G. McMullen (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris, 138: 2, P. Thomas (Austin Motor Co. Ltd.), Austin. 291. (Two entrants.)
CLASS G—articulated tractive units under 4 tons, flat or sided semi-trailers up to 34 ft.: No entrant.
CLASS H—articulated tractive units over 4 Ions, box or tanker sensi-traBers: 1, D. Godfrey (Tate and Lyle Ltd.). Guy, 176: 2. C. Moreton (Co-ordinated Contracts Ltd.), Bedford, 271; 3. H. Parsons (Coordinated Contracts Ltd.), Bedford, 345.
CLASS S--standard Army •webldes, 19-24 ft.: (1 entrant). S. L. Cooper (RAY. Barry). Bedford, 138.
TEAM AWARD: Austin Motor Co. Ltd. (R. Perrins. A. Green. L. Read). Total 335.
OVERALL WINNER: 0. McMullen (run-off on Bedford D-claw vehicles).