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Crisp companies invest in new Volvo!

29th March 1986, Page 16
29th March 1986
Page 16
Page 16, 29th March 1986 — Crisp companies invest in new Volvo!
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TWO OF BRITAIN'S potato crisp manufacturers are using Volvo FL6 trucks to renew their delivery fleets.

Golden Wonder has been operating 39 Volvo F6 4x2 tractive units for some time on mainly motorway trunking work and reports fuel consumption of 28.2 down to 25.7 litres/10 Okni (10 to limpg) at an average of 193,000km.

As part of its fleet replacement programme, it is buying 13 FL6-16 tracrive units for use from its four distribution centres at Broxburn (West Lothian), Widnes (Cheshire), Watford Gap and Corby.

Walkers Crisps, based Leicester, is expanding its tivities to meet a 50 per c increase in output and added eight FL6s — four Fl 16 20-tonne tractive units, others 12-tonne rigids.

It operates them on 48-hi deliveries from Thurmasi in Leicester on deliveries tvveen the South Coast North Yorkshire.

Before, it used 42 Vob for heavier work and Fc Cargo rigicls for lighter wo but the availability of ugh FL6s has prompted its swi from Ford.