29th March 1986, Page 18
29th March 1986
Page 18

Page 18, 29th March 1986
Frankfurt's Mobile Help
A UNIQUE fullyequipped mobile operating theatre/ambulance has been introduced by the Frankfurt Fire Brigade as part of a modernisation programme. The programme also includes the......
Fears Over Eec Emission Limits
EEC standards governi emissions from diesel 4.11 gir vehicles "take no account health or environmental i plications" and arc inadequ and out of date, says I3rit MEP Carole......
Times Three Foi Essex Operator
ESSEX milk and dairy t duct distributor G. R. Tan of Siblc Hedingham has ceived its third Isokarno t4 perature controlled 13( made by Belgian manu turer Karosserie Moeyersol The......