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Charter: Four Jailed
THE NINE-WEEK Cake tachograph records conspiracy trial ended on Monday with jail sentences being served on four of the five defendants. Two directors, two traffic clerks and the......
Truck Sales Help Lex Profits
A 26 PER CENT increase in new truck sales in 1985 helped Lex Service's transport division to record much healthier profit levels than the previous year. On a turnover up by......
Winds Cause Havoc
THE A74 and M74 in Southern Scotland became littered with overturned trucks and vans last week as westerly Winds reaching hurricane force played havoc with road transport. On......
Budget Increasi Passed On
THE MAJOR oil compan have dashed Chancellor of I Exchequer Nigel Lawsoi post-Budget hopes that tE would absorb the increw tax on derv. By last weekend, Ess Shell and Texaco had......