Met. Application Published in Northern 'A's and D's'
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ICENSING h:story was made las LA week when, in the Northern are: Applications and Decisions, the Licensin: Authority published an application by London-based operator, holding a Metro politan B licence, to vat') that licence b; the add:tion of two tanker vehicles.
The Metropol:tan L.A., Mr. D. I. R Muir, had already heard an applicat:ol by the firm, Chem:trade Ltd., (see Th, Commercial Motor, October 25) whicl concerned the carriage of bulk liquid originating from Billingham, Co. Durham Mr. Muir at that time said that he wouli reserve his dec:s:on unt:1 Northern are: operators had been given an opportunit; to object. If, as a result of the appEca tion appearing in the Northern As am Ds, any objectors are forthcoming Mt Muir sa:d that he proposed to reopen thi case.
Continental Tourt Granted
THE East Midland Traffic Commis J. sioners last Friday granted a licenc to Mr. Leslie Kent, of Oxford, to rut limited coach tours from Oxford t Switzerland and Spain under the name o Yodel Tours Ltd.
Mr. Kent chose Oxford as a base fo his Continental tours mainly becaus there were 23,000 prospective customer at the Morris and Pressed Steel work According to the secretaries of th Morris and Pressed Steel social clubs, Mi J. A. T. Boulder and Mr. P. L Tull, th Yodel's tour itinerary of holiday tour: educational tours for schoolchildren an trade fair tours for businessmen ha. impressed and interested a great man members.
Five objectors to the new tours wer represented at the hearing in Baribur3 Oxfordshire. They were Blue Cars Ltd Red Line Motorways Co. Ltd., Thamc Valley Traction Co. Ltd., Fast Kent Roa Co. Ltd. and Glenton• Tours.