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New Depot For Neath And Cardiff
A NEW depot for Neath and Cardiff ri Luxury Coaches Ltd. was opened this week by Mr. Ronald R. Jackson, chair , man of the South Wales Traffic Commissioners. Built to replace......
News In Brief
Newcastle Plans for Bus Sites: Aclequai sites will be provided for new bus statior during the £170m. redevelopment of NerA castle upon Tyne, Aid. Dr. Henry Russe told the City......
Half-way Stage In Belfast Schemes
W ITH a total of eight trolleybus routes now converted to motorbus operation, Belfast Corporation Transport seems likely to pause for breath before completing the changeover to......
Conductors Experiment With Decimal Currency
D UR1NG his speech at the annual dinner of the Public Transport Association the other week (The Commercial Motor, November 22) Mr. W. M. Dravers, chairman of the P.T.A. Council,......