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IT is, perhaps, symbolic of the magnitude of the traffic problem ahead I of this country that the Buchanan and Crowther Reports...
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rVIDENCE that the fight against lorry I-5 thieves in the London area is having some effect is provided by figures for the...
From our Political Correspondent S CHEMES to make road users pay for the space they use while on the move in congested towns...
" O PERATING as we do over such a wide field and carrying some 60 per cent of the nation's traffic, there are tremendous...
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A C:ONSORTIUM has been formed by British, Dutch and German shipping companies with a view to establishing new roll-on/roll-off...
O N Wednesday the executive committee of the Road Haulage Association agreed to recommend to the national - :ouncil that a...
NEW tandem-axle semi-trailer developed by Boden Trailers Ltd. has pressed-steel frame side . members incorporating a...
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DRACTICAL approaches to main tenance will be stressed at a special meeting to be held tonight (Friday) at Sandside, near...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Transport Ministry is planning a big new face-lift for the older trunk roads which have...
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jou MASHED on Wednesday was "Traffic in Towns", a lavishly illustrated volume containing the reports of the steering group...
T HE HARBOURS BILL, which will implement the main recommendations of the Rochdale Report, was published on Wednesday and is...
THE need for definition of heavy' vehicle braking standards and the importance of ensuring that adequate provision is made for...
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Vehicles. He is Mr. S. G. Forsyth, a London-born Scot who was awarded the M.B.E. in 1960 for his part in the company's export...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Ciovernment had the buck quickly passed back to it for finding an immediate easement of...
A 'explosive situation is reported to be'developing in . cianiequenee of what appears to be a seasonal rise in the number of...
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A NEW depot for Neath and Cardiff ri Luxury Coaches Ltd. was opened this week by Mr. Ronald R. Jackson, chair , man of the...
Newcastle Plans for Bus Sites: Aclequai sites will be provided for new bus statior during the £170m. redevelopment of NerA...
W ITH a total of eight trolleybus routes now converted to motorbus operation, Belfast Corporation Transport seems likely to...
D UR1NG his speech at the annual dinner of the Public Transport Association the other week (The Commercial Motor, November 22)...
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k DUTCHMAN representing a Rotter- k darn company engaged in Continental aulage and shipping flew to England ) give evidence...
T "application by Crosville Motor Services Ltd. to enable the company to enter the extended tours field was continued at a...
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A N A licence for 10 additional artics of 100 tons was granted to Peter McCallum and Sons Ltd.. of Airdrie, by the Scottish...
T HE North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. H. Jolliffe, sitting in Manchester last week, suspended three Contract A...
ICENSING h:story was made las LA week when, in the Northern are: Applications and Decisions, the Licensin: Authority published...
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[ ARGES] application to be published 1-4 this week appears in the North Western As and Ds where Hailvvood Bros., of Upholland,...
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IL NEW venture for the recently estab lished coachbuilding division of .H. Cars Ltd., of Belfast, is the con'uction of...
'WO new light-alloy bodybuilding sections have been introduced by The itish Aluminium Co. Ltd. These are tco Gripflor, an...
" TN the field of exports, I am convinced that, with the excellent help of British PrOductivity Council, Board of Trade and...
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Fl.ndyman Critical Engine Noise FEW AMONGST THOSE who drive and repair transport vehicles can fail to recognize the...
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and Publications For Quick Repair [eeping Warm ARGER sizes of Khamsin oil-burning space heaters have been developed by Park...
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By John F. Moon, A.1101.1.R.T.E. T HE idea of purchasing a vehicle with an unladen weight of 6 tons to carry a load of 6 tons...
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and a new deal for commercial vehicles From Our Political Correspondent CA A SQUARE deal for commercial vehicles and a big...
Colin Douglas Buchanan, B.Sc., M.T.PJ A.R.I.B.A., A.M.I.C.E., is, as the letters folios+ ing his name reveal, an architect and...
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C omMENT, some of it critical, published in The Commercial Motor recently on the subject of en route passenger facilities on...
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et - ween productivity and urnround produced results?' JANUS WRITES ATIONAL Productivity Year is ended, and with it one...
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"Fifteen objectors—is that a lot, Sir ?" 'THERE is a movement afoot, I understand, for Mr. Derek Good, popular national...
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mbulance Champions WHEN the finalists in the National - nbulance Championships met at orcton-in-Marsh in October. the...
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I T has always been something of a joke that falls of snow which by the standards of many countries are only moderate, are...
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FOR 'PROFIT By S. Buckley Assoc. Inst. T. More About Depreciation N discussing the etfect of depreciation on the cost of...