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They have no gipsy in the soul

2nd August 1980, Page 24
2nd August 1980
Page 24
Page 24, 2nd August 1980 — They have no gipsy in the soul
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

BEFORE Mr Ashwell starts making such stupid comments as -drivers are no more than modern-day gipsies(July 12, p3), he wants to get among his members and ask their opinion.

Haulage companies go to large extra expense to provide sleeper cabs on their units which in most cases adds an extra £1200 to each unit, then the driver still expects his £9 subsistance allowance.

As to booking in at hotels he must be living in cuckoo land. The problems this would cause (le, parking, availability, locations), not to say the expense which will be put on the haulage companies who are now being shanghied into more extra costs (ie, fuel, tyres, wages, tachograph calibrations, road fund licences) with less and less productivity.

Mr Ashwell has soon got to learn that hauliers do not have all this extra cash. If I asked any of my drivers to take a day cab unit on a journey which entailed a night away from home, their comments would not be of a printable nature.

M. J. SWINGLER Wisbech, Cambs