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Kent Is Afraid About Chunnel's Effects
KENT COUNTY Council fears that a fixed cross-Channel link could harm local employment and the environment, and wants assurances to the contrary before any scheme is started. It......
DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY assistance towards current advanced battery projects amounts to £3.03m, while £180,000 came from the EEC, reported Industry UnderSecretary David Mitchell......
No Ban On Sealants
A CALL for a general ban on the sale of tyre sealants has been turned down in the Commons. Junior Transport Minister Kenneth Clarke said there is no case, on present evidence,......
Industrial Databank
A LEAMINGTON-base company has just launche Britain's first ev€ commercially-accessible ir dustrial census which offal the "marketing tool for th 80s". Details of 120,000 firms......
Fodens' Receivers Al Managers Were Still Ye Optimistic...
comg ny's future this week, but s they are still at the planni stage. A spokesman told CM th they are still seeing supplit and other interested parti and that they are "organisi......