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'unacceptable' Lest Fees— Fta
5 THE GOVERNMENT prepares to crease the fee for a heavy goods hide driving test by 57 per cent, the eight Transport Association says that e Department of Transport should ercise......
Cnock For Mock
AYMENTS of compensaon to victims of hit and run rivers are to be upgraded ccording to Junior Transport linister Kenneth Clarke. In a written reply to a Parliatentary question......
Concern Voiced On Test Stations
THE SCOTTISH Motor Trade Association has voiced concern at the Government's plans to hive off the heavy goods vehicle testing stations. SMTA heavy commercial vehicle committee......
Transport Driver Training (esher) Ltd Is Organising More...
A one-day seminar for management on tachographs will be held on September 4, and a one day lorry-mounted crane course is planned for September 18. Dates for a first aid course......
Their Lordships Escaped Unscathed When A Wooden Lion's...
down from the venerable ceiling in front of them . . . but bumps lay ahead. Or, to be strictly accurate, humps — those "sleeping policemen which have been slowing down progress......