Men in the News
Page 36

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MR_ R. J. J. STONE has been appointed private secretary to LORD CHESHAM, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport.
KAJ LINDBERG, a Socialist member of the Danish Parliament, has been named Minister of Transport in the country's new left-wing Cabinet.
MR. J. HOUNSELL has been appointed publicity manager of Westinghouse 'Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., in succession to MR. A. V. HICHISSON who has retired. Ma. A. A. RHODES has been appointed deputy publicity manager.
HERR FRITZ KONNECKE, general director of the German goods vehicle and bus manufacturing concern Daimler-Benz AG, is to retire from his post for personal reasons at the end of this year. No successor has as yet been appointed.
MR. E. C. SCOT 1, formerly sales director of Dennis Brothers, Ltd., has been appointed fleet sales supervisor of Perkins Engines, Ltd., and will operate, from midDecember, mainly in the North. Mr. Scott, who is 45, will be responsible for maintaining personal contact with large fleet users. He has made a special study of transport economics. Married, with two children, Mr. Scott will live near Blackpool. He is a keen golfer and is a member of Puttenham Golf Club.
MR. R. H. DEtrr and MR. T. C. HE have been appointed directors of Small and Parkes, Ltd., Hendham Vale Works, Manchester, 9, manufacturers of Don brake and clutch linings and disc brake pads. Mr. Dent has also been appointed chairman of the company. Mr. Dent and Mr. Hale are the joint managing directors of The Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd., and Small and Parkes, Ltd., is now a member of the Cape group of companies. Ma. G. W. PARKES, who has been a director of Small and Parkes, Ltd., for 40 years, the last 11 years as chairman, will continue as joint managing director until April, 1961, when he will retire from that office and from the board.
LORD BUCKHURST has been appointed a director of the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., in place of MR. W. T. JAMES, who has resigned.
Ma. W. J. Baowx, assistant service manager, has been appointed service manager of Clayton Dewandrc Co„ Ltd., Lincoln, to succeed the late MR, C. E. COOSANS. MR. M. S. CARVEI ET has been appointed to the position of assistant service manager.
Ma. ARNOLD LINDLEY, vice-chairman and managing director of the General Electric Co., Ltd., has been appointed chairman of the company to succeed Sut LESLIE GAMAGE on his retirement at the end of the year. Mr. Lindley will continue as managing director of the company.
MR. " JIMMY " JOHNSON is to retire from the sales staff of Ferodo. Ltd., after more than 30 years' service as a sales representative, mostly in South Cheshire and North Staffordshire. He will be succeeded by MR. A. J. CurumottE, who has had more than 25 years' service with Ferodo in the area.
Ma. W. M. DRAVERS, a director of The City of Oxford Motor Services, Ltd., has been appointed chairman of the company in succession to M. R. P. BEDDOW, who has resigned-from the Board of the company owing to the pressure of other business commitments. Mn. E. L. TAYLOR has been appointed a director of the company.
MR. A. F. R. C.ARLING has been appointed to the Boards of The Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., The Sunderland District Omnibus Co., Ltd., and The Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Co. and has been appointed chairman of those companies in succession to Mr. W. T. James, who has resigned from the Boards in view of his impending retirement.
MR. ARTHUR DAKLN is retiring from the Metropolitan and South Eastern Area of the Road Haulage Association at the end of December. Throughout his career Mr. Dakin has specialized in licensing and has become well known to a very large number of hauliers in and around London. His duties on the licensing side of the Metropolitan and South Eastern Area office arc being taken over by MR. G. HouroN.
managing director of Darham Industries (London), Ltd., has been appointed a director of Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd. The latter company is a member of the John Thompson Group of Companies. Mr. Darrington, who lives at Middleton on Sea, formed the Darham Industries Company in July 1946. In 1957 the firm merged with Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd, and since that date have continued production of transport tankers. truck bodies and ancillary work for the commercial motor trade. LORD TEDDER, Marshal of the Roya Air Force. is resigning as chairman o Standard-Triumph International, and wil be succeeded by MR. ALICK DICK, th, present managing director. Lord Tedde will become president of the company.
Ttpper Fleet Changes Hands
THE haulage undertaking of Mr. H Purves, of Sea Houses, Northumber land, has been purchased by Mr. W. K Pringle, of Alnwick, who, as well a owning a quarry, operates a fleet of 1 licensed tippers. A new company, Henry Purves (Se Houses), Ltd.. has been formed under th, sole directorship of Mr. Pringle and hi wife. Depending on a successful tria period of one year, the Pringle and Purve fleets will be amalgamated. Last July Mr. Purves, who is retirin; from the haulage business, startled th Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. G. IN Duncan, at Newcastle, when he said tha it was his very first appearance in a traffi court. He was there to renew his licena
WE regret to record the death c MR. ARTHUR LARKING, power tin engineer, Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. He die in hospital at 56 following a brief illnes, Mr. Lark ing's outstanding profession; knowledge of engine design was recol nized widely in Britain.
MALGAMATION of two famou fl garage equipment manufacturers wi take place on January 1. They at Weaver Manufacturing and Engineerin Co., Ltd., of Bedford, and William Turn( (Kismet), Ltd., of Sheffield. From du date the combined companies will trad under the name of Kismet, Ltd., wit their head office at Fenlake Works. Bec ford.