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I F THE author of a paper which was presented on Wednesday to a materials handling conference in Sheffield is right, this...
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T HE sight of a clutch, gaggle, herd, flotilla, or what-have-you, of six London Transport 134 buses moving along Muswell Hill...
H AD he been a less sympathetic character, Thomas Andrew Barton, managing director of Barton Transport, Ltd., Chilwell, Notts....
and employs a staff of 24. Since the death of her husband, four years ago, Mrs. Davey has held the reins and tells me that...
p UT a few well-kept livestock vehicles together and the chances are they will be much of a muchness, but in the Cheshire dairy...
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M etropolitan Area Take-over Bids THE Metropolitan Licensing Authority is in future to require statements by applicants for...
QUBSTANTIALLY fewer lorry thefts t , --; were reported in the Metropolitan Police district during the first nine months of this...
R ESTRICT1ONS on loading an d N. unloading were reviewed at a council meeting of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce on Monday....
O PPOSITION to the payment of tolls, expressed by many areas of the Road Haulage Association, was considered at Wednesday's...
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"IESPITE turning on to its side at a speed of nearly 70 m.p.h., only one vindow pane was broken in the Midland Red CM.5 coach...
MPROVEMENTS have been made to the transmissions of Leyland Comet ad Super Comet 16-ft. I I-in.-wheelbase mr-wheelers. The...
DECAUSE the statutory requirements had not been complied with, an appeal by Harold Wood and Sons, Ltd., haulage contractors,...
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MR_ R. J. J. STONE has been appointed private secretary to LORD CHESHAM, Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of...
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THE carriage of the goods of a customer under contract A licence can I still be in connection with his trade or business, even...
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WHEN the hearing was resumed at the Transport Tribunal, in London, on VI' Monday, of the application by Merchandise Transport,...
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ri A HAULIER was accused by a British Railways official of trying to gain a " back door entry" into a new type of haulage, at a...
New Address: Mawby, Barrie and L have moved to 27-28 Finsbury Sqtt London, E.C.2. • Aussie Marshals: A.E.C., Ltd., have reedi...
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FTER a long hearing at Newcastle L upon Tyne last week, the Northern zensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Litton, decided to take no...
T HE increased use of cardboard containers instead of wooden crates was given as the reason for an application to the Yorkshire...
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NAANY methods of transport employed by the general public are quite illegal," LYI declared Mr. C. R. Hodgson, chairman of the...
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k N appeal by the British Transport - I. Commission against the grant by Mr. W. Nelson, the Western Licensing .uthority, of an...
r HE Tribunal reserved their decision in an appeal by five independent haulage perators in the South Wales traffic area gainst...
H EAVY transport costs were given as the reason for a Newcastle upon Fyne firm of coal merchants " upgrading " coal into a...
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cc w E must have an authority armed with ample powers. They will have to take steps, by traffic control, to keep the streets...
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'HE number of commercial vehicles produced in September at 46,633 was tarly double the amount manufactured tring the month of...
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I NCLUDED in a new range of pumps • recently introduced by Wayne Tank and Pump Co., Ltd., arc models specially designed for...
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A LTHOUGH it can scarcely be said that all the municipal passenger transport undertakings have been able to turn loss into...
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TRANSPORT must be an equal partner in the combined operation of sales, manufacture and warehousing if overall industrial...
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buys another van Tom Walton needed a new van . Needed it here and now But he couldn't afford here and now to pay the full...
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T HE reorganization of Scottish Brewers, Ltd., in May, 1959, to function as a trading company combining the activities of Wm....
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FROM modest beginnings in an almostI derelict public house in Tottenham, two men have, in 13 years, built up a die-casting...
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WE would welcome the increased dimensions both for " buses (particularly single-deck buses) and for coaches. The greater...
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A N interchangeable body system offers the best solution to many traffic problems and can provide a better means of goods...
A N application by Watsons (Carriers), Ltd., Bishop Auckland, to operate another four vehicles to cope with increased business...
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N OT so long ago only a handful of experts would have known what was meant by the science of jraffic 111 engineering. Thanks to...
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RIDDLE C. COOK, LTD., in the Northern area, have applied for a new A licence for two special-type trailers of 50 and 40 tons...
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EGISTRATIONS of new commercial vehicles in August were the lowest nonthly total for the year so far, due in arge measure to the...
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B ECAUSE movement of goods or passengers is the prime purpose for the employment of commercial vehicles, accurate recording of...
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A SEMI-TRAILER outfit with its tractor wheels sunk in soft ground is a difficult problem to extricate and patent No. 849,257...