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Micrograms. .

2nd December 1960
Page 44
Page 44, 2nd December 1960 — Micrograms. .
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New Address: Mawby, Barrie and L have moved to 27-28 Finsbury Sqtt London, E.C.2. • Aussie Marshals: A.E.C., Ltd., have reedi orders from Australia for 20 Marshal wheeled goods chassis.

Stocking Point : Pirelli, Ltd., have ope a new stocking point at Lucerne St Garages, Maidstone, Kent Welding Meeting: The Institute of Weld is to hold a conference on welding stands ization in London on Wednesday, Dec, ber 7.

McVeigh Super Comets: Fifteen Leyls Super Comet 14SC.I3R tractive units h, been ordered by McVeigh Transport, L Grimsby. The order is worth £35,000. Libyan Artie: A Scammell Super C structor 6 x 6 and Dyson self-loading se trailer have been sent to Libya for tests : demonstrations. The complete outfit worth £20.000.

B.O.C. Chieftains: The British Oxygen C Ltd., have ordered 14 Albion Chieft chassis, worth over £20,000. Since beginning of this year over 70 Albions tit been ordered by this concern.

Border Leylands: West Monmouthst Omnibus Board have ordered one Leyla Titan double-decker and two Tiger C single-deckers. The board already or ate a, fleet of 15 Leylands. New Churchill Office: A new office Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd. has bt opened in Manchester by Mr. Ra" Gabriel, managing director. -The new addr is 2-12 "The Crescent, Salford, 5.

A.E.C.s For Tunnel: The Tunnel Portia Cement Co. have ordered five A.E Mammoth Major eight-wheelers and n Mercury four-wheelers. These will be fit with tanker bodies for hulk ceml deliveries.

Tipperary Tractor: Another Albion Chi tain-Seammell tractive unit has been order by Bulmers, Ltd., Clonmel, Co. Tippera It will be engaged on cider distribution Southern Ireland in conjunction with tanl and platform semi-trailers.

Lincoln Likes Leylands: A further four Lt land Titan PD2.41 double-deck bu have been ordered by Lincoln Corporati to supplement the existing fleet of nearly Leyland double-deckers. The first two chas will have Roc 27-ft.-long bodies.

Keeping It Cool: Polyzote expanded po styrene insulation has been specified J. Lyons and Co., Ltd., for 50 ice-cret vans being built for them by Mann Egert and Co., Ltd., Norwich. This material made by Expanded Plastics, Ltd., Croych Surrey.

Plastics Hose Couplings Brake-hose pa (gladhand) couplings made of plastics being produced in the U.S.A. by t Midland-Ross Corporation. DuPont Deli acetal resin is employed, this being nc corrosive, non-conductive and light. I springs are used in the one-piece couplin; Rhodesian Dormobiies : It is reported frc Southern. Rhodesia by Barclays Bank D.C. that Martin Walter, Ltd., Folkestone. a interested in the possibility of the producti of their Dormobile caravan and other co versions in Southern Rhodesia and that t matter will he examined closely in the ne future.

Ternts and Conditions of Contract is t title of a booklet available from the Pt chasing Officers Association, 146a Que Victoria Street, London, E.C.4, at 5s. T• title of the booklet has now been alter from Conditions of Purchase to reflect t wider use which it is now hoped will I made of these conditions.

A New Branch Office has been opened I J. and H. Transport Services (Peckhan Ltd.. at Rooms 39 " and 40 Exchan Buildings, Newcastle uponTyne. under ti management of Mr. R. C. Halliday. TI Sheffield and Birmingham branches ha been moved to larger premises—at Luta Street, Sheffield. and 17 High Street. We Bromwich.