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Increasing Use of Pallets

2nd December 1960
Page 45
Page 45, 2nd December 1960 — Increasing Use of Pallets
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE increased use of cardboard containers instead of wooden crates was given as the reason for an application to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority to place on A licence 12 vehicles previously operated under contract A.

At Leeds on Monday, Mr. W. A. B. Goss, for Savile Transport Co., Ltd., of Parsonage Garage, Methley, said that all objections had been withdrawn on the terms that the licence. be for 12 vehicles, instead of 14, on A licence and that the outward condition be specifically limited to goods for Bagley and Co., Ltd., (bottle manufacturers), as required.

The managing director of Savile Transport, Mr. Clifford Marsh, told the court his company felt that became of the lighter bottles' and palletization it was necessary to put on more and more vehicles for this work.

The Licensing Authority granted the application for 12 vehicles, normal user to be Bagley and Co., Ltd., only on outward journeys.