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1\4r Walton (crisp, crusty loaves fresh-baked this morning !)

2nd December 1960
Page 62
Page 62, 2nd December 1960 — 1\4r Walton (crisp, crusty loaves fresh-baked this morning !)
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

buys another van

Tom Walton needed a new van . Needed it here and now But he couldn't afford here and now to pay the full price. So what was he to do ? He could do one of two things. First —wait till he could afford the full cash price— several hundred pounds or so.By which time he might have missed the chance to add much extra business, losing substantial profits.

Second—he could buy the van on credit through UDT (which is, in fact, what he did). Of course it meant he

paid a little extra : but that extra was nothing to the extra profits of having the van this year instead of next And UDT also finance the road tax and insurance spreading these payments too over the months.

By the time he makes the final monthly payment tc UDT, Tom Walton expects his van to have paid foi itself. Maybe there's no such thing in business as-havin.E your cake and eating it — but buying on credit througr UDT comes very, very close!