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2nd February 1980
Page 48
Page 48, 2nd February 1980 — PEOPLE
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,RTRANSPORT LTD, the amington-based National ight Corporation Company, s named Bob Harper as its w personnel and training inager. He was previously :h Wyse Group Plant (part of vis). Before this he spent five 3rs in the management deve)ment division of the Road ansport Industry Training ard.

G. J. Cooper (Shipping and ansport Ltd) has appointed avid Griffiths as branch anager at Dover and will sume full responsibility for the mpany's forwarding and in-national haulage operations. Transferring from Pooe to wer, Barry Clough will as5ist avid Griffiths, while Kay reasey will deputise for anCh director Bill Wareham Poole. These developments Ilow the resignation of John owbray.

Peter Gupwell and Ron peakman have been made int managing directors of upwell Transport Contracts d. The former joined the company in 1965 and was appointed to the board in 1971, while Ron Speakman started working for the company's Leeds Depot in 1957, moved to the head office at Birmingham in 1967, and was appointed to the board in 1975.

MAN—VW Truck and Bus Ltd ha3 named Jonathan Moseley as regional promotional co-ordinator covering the North of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. He will be responsible for the company's liaison with dealer networks on all local publicity matters and joins the firm from the Cheshire-based car distributor

group, James Edwards, where he was publicity and advertising manager.

Sue Crawford also joins MAN-VW as marketing services co-ordinator responsible for all marketing and sales promotions, including dealer advertising and merchandising. She joins the company from Lucas/ CAV where she was responsible for sales promotions.

The Leicester-based commercial vehicle distributors, Ford and Slater Group Ltd, has a new managing director: Charles Macfarlane. He joined Ford and Slater 24 years ago and became general manager and a board member in 1979.

He succeeds Bill Ford who will continue as chairman of the group and managing director of UAC Motors, a division of UAC International, the parent company.

Edward Basham, national sales manager, has become a director of Cummins Diesel Sales and Service Ltd, the national distributor for Cummins Engine Company.

Following York Truck Equipment's takeover of the Anthony Carrimore branch at Tottenham, London, Harold Keech, formerly workshop superintendent of York's

Our Northern advertisement manager Edward Hirst is retiring from CM after 411/2 years on the journal. Taking over as Northern senior sales executive is Stewart Raisbeck who joined the company five years ago and has since worked on many publications including Middle East Transport. The Northern area covers Liverpool to Hull and Carlisle to Newcastle.

We record with regret the death of C. A. Adams at the age of 78. Mr Adams was founder and chairman of Victory Tours of Handley, Wiltshire.