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THE UNIQUE TYRE AND FUEL SAVER. Only York offer Hobo, the world's only dual purpose tandem sprung suspension for trailers....
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,orry drivers in the Transport nd General Workers Union Lecisively rejected their Jnion's call for industrial acion to oppose...
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Nho manages? 1E DECISIVE anti-strike vote on the tachograph issue is the final blow to e TGWU campaign. Even the militant...
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TRADE UNION resistance to the tachograph disappeared last week when the Transport and General Workers Union's lorry drivers...
DRIVERS at National Carriers have fallen in line with others at the National Freight Corporation by accepting a new £77 basic...
THE TAXATION of heav lorries according to annu; mileage following the intn duction of tachographs wi rejected last week by Tran...
DELEGATES representit Shell's 1500 tanker drive were still locked in discussio at the Transport and Genet Workers Union...
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['HERE has been a rapid easing in delays at heavy goods vehicle esting stations, .but the Department of Transport has assured...
,EYLAND VEHICLES will be laking 750 employees redunant between March and June t its light/medium division actories in Scotland,...
SONACOME, the Algerian National vehicle built on a Berliet chassis and powered by a Magirus-Deutz air-cooled engine took first,...
THE GOVERNMENT is noi assuming that the weight ol lorries is to be increased, and no decision will be made be. fore the Commons...
SCAMMELL TRAILERS has appointed Dabbs Trailer Rentals of Heckirigton as its distributor for the Lincolnshire area. Both parts...
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,HANNEL TUNNELS are in the news gain this week, with Government pproval expected soon for the Englandranee link, and pressure...
['HE NUMBER of small ■ perators who may face evocation of their licences as t result of required European rtandards of...
A SEMINAR on routeing, analysis and computers is being organised by the transport and distribution specialist group of the...
GEORGE GIBB, first managing director of Freightliners Ltd, died last week after a heart operation. Mr Gibb, who retired in...
THE Transport Bill is not a flimsy document. First there are 11 pages detailing. the delights which lie ahead for the assiduous...
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by inflat ion index INFLATION has hit hard at Haulage Association reports a last year. Inevitably, after last year's strike...
ONE-DAY conference enitled General Road Haulage :akes place at the Great Danes "tote], Hollingbourne, near Vlaidstone, Kent, on...
ATLAS EXPRESS has devised a special livery for the vehicles used on final delivery to Asda Superstores' 72 stores throughout...
Cordon blues? THE joint appeal by roa transport interests against ti Windsor Cordon is to be heal on June 3, but the Transpo...
IT WOULD BE a foolish polic to direct freight from road t rail — one that was eve rejected by the previou Government — declare...
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LICHFIELD operator had . ematurely last week, after a s outlay on maintenance was Vehicle examiner Kenneth irling told South...
TEN-YEAR contract has een signed between Southern ;ritish Road Services Ltd and Lssociated Container Transortation (Australia)...
RUSSELL DAVIES has opened a new five-acre depot at Felixstowe which will incorporate the head office for its general haulage...
THE PROBLEMS of introducing the tachograph and the implications of the new regulations are to be discussed later this month in...
THE DANISH shipping lim DFDS carried a record numbe of container and trailer unit: between the UK and Denmarl in 1979. A total...
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Popular scheme THE Food, Drink and Tobacc( Industry Training Board ha: announced that it has receive( over 50 inquiries about...
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Trent's plans wind up in dead-end street 'RENT Motor Traction Co Ltd has been thwarted in its attempt o transfer several stage...
A WARNING about counterfeit tors probably made in the Far operators and stockists. Announcing this in the Commons,...
FINANCIALLY viable work5 bus services are the subject of a report by R. L. Jackson and I. Johnston just published bl the...
EAST LONDON and Esse) coach operator Harril Coaches of Grays has ex tended its catchment area fo; day excursions following a de...
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Premature burial For LT Fleetlines? 3NDON TRANSPORT made no comment this week about ports that sizeable batches of roadworthy...
TYNE and Wear Passenger Transport Executive could find its bus services trimmed as the region's councillors try to find ways of...
or Notts? DTTINGHAMSHIRE is oking into the possibilities of iplying for trial area status Ider the forthcoming Trans)rt Act....
LEYLAND VEHICLES admitted this week that there has been a "hiccup" in negotiations with trades unions over the transfer of...
IN THE Commons last week Robert McCrindle (Conservative, Brentwood and Ongar) noted that the very success of British Rail's...
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Moro hydraulic freezer THE ZEPRO 1500kg electro hydraulic tail lift, made Ii Sweden, has been fitted ti Iceland's latest DAF...
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k MERCEDES 608D van, plated at 6.5 tonnes gross, has been quipped to carry day-old chicks at the right temperature by 'itting a...
THE Star Aluminium Corn. pany of Audenshaw, Manch. ester, is marketing a new type of aluminium bridgeplate which is designed to...
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Fancy yourself as king of ne roac en why not enter year CM Lorry Driver of ne Year contest? ANOTHER record attendance is...
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With raw and petroleum-basec liquids at a premium, any errors or accidents in metering and oumping could prove cripolingly...
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If you only link Darmo with ships, seadogs anc lobster pots, irk again. Container manufacturer I IB has its base ere and Tim...
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PlIwoods, animal foodstuffs manufacturer, claims at its new eight-wheeler has no taste for heaw drinking were 24-ton-gross...
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Beating lorries in the sticks Mr A. F. Holford-Walker (CM, January 12) is one of those urban people who are determined to...
IN your issue of January 19 in your "Dear Sir" page, comment was made by D. J. Bubier that he would not like to be a Margate...
I REFER to an article "Commercial vehicles sales well up on 1978" (CM, January 19, p5). Despite a detailed Press release...
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Bill Brock goes into ne Peak District to find out now well Tarmac Group fleet is coping wH a testing operation EASTERN REGION...
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,RTRANSPORT LTD, the amington-based National ight Corporation Company, s named Bob Harper as its w personnel and training...
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To set the tone and pace for this auspicious year, we announce today a group of study awards valued at £6000 and co-sponsored...
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3 ALEX MOULTON, of rubber spension and bicycle fame, iubts whether the Moulton ach will ever be produced beuse "it has been...
-IAT DO MOST people really ik about road transport? Are ir views fairly represented by : ranting enemies of the lorry? The...
GOOD LUCK to the Crown Agents. They became an incorporated body on January 1 after 146 years of existence. I know they do a...
NOT TO BE outdone by Leyland Vehicles' sponsorship of the Saudia Williams formula one grand prix racing team, which recently...
THE responsibilities of the existing institutions for raising standards in the engineering• profession ,must not be transferred...
A BARNSLEY haulier, Robin Masters, had difficulty in protecting his warehouse and lorry park from thieves until he bought a...
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nereS not much to go wrong whn a simple steel box, you rnig ink. Bill Brock 's repol could surprise you CONTAINERS have been...
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There may not be all - nat many fleets of artic tippers around, but a small rural haulage company is finding - not they more an...
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OOST a year ago labelling made mandatory for road cers carrying any one of 400 !d chemical products. lough the chemical...
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New refrigerated transport equipment must now pass thoroughgoing test before it gets an ATP certificatE Tim Blakemore visits a...
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by Graham Montgomerie E EXTERIOR shape of a iicle influences performance I economy because of °dynamic drag. The lower drag,...
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All quiet on the wages front 'Published statistics indicate that the average worker needs a rise of something like 20 per cent...