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Class A up in 16 ft, aud from 201 cwt.: 1, T. ledres (Espres-; Dairy Co. Ltd.). Morris. 109 penalty points: 2 Black (II. Caron ltd.), Ford. 218: J. Oinisinin iH Caron Ltd.). Ford. 227.
Class 11-16-19 ft.: I. Col: A. James (16 Cmd. WiShopx, 1( 1:51):), Redford. 176: 2. C. 13av:s
MaYn trd 1 ). Ifedford. 200; 3, 1, Crawford (A, J. Brush Lid.). Dodge, 245.
Ciao, C. -19-22 ft.: 1. G. Barker (Schv.eppes Ltd.). Bedford. 56: '..D. Barker (Schweppes Lid.). Bedford. 177; 1. I; Darya! (C. Maynard Lid.). Redford, 21,1.
Class I) -22-25 fl.: I. J. Russell (A. T. Brush Ltd ). Fotle,i. t(1n; 2. T. Christey (NN) Ltd.), Bedford. 1114; 3. E. Eaves (Express Dairy Co. f td,), Morris. 108.
OAS, Lilt over 25 rt., ma axles: I. P. Curtis (Alston, 1 itl.), Bedford. 225; 2, R. Read (AIsions Ltd.). 1)2nni,. 112, 3. C. Burford aower Transport). Albion, .115.
Class 1(2) over 25 ft., more than two axles: I, C. Ball Oilt, Atkinson, 86: 2. D. Ramsey tunntinental Oil Ltd 1, 124: 3, A. Campbell (Shell-Men and BP Ltd.). AEC. 152.
Clam 1,(l1--arde tractive units under 4 Ions, Pat or sided semi-trailer up to 3011.: I. B. Stoneman
lraniport Ltd.). Albion. 177: 2. I'. O'Rourke (Hilburns Transport Ltd.). Dodge, 241: 3. 1.. Chapman (H)lburns Transport Ltd.). Dodge, 384.
Class 1'121-arlie tractive units under 4 tons. box or tanker semi-hailer up to 38 ft.: I. A. Bartropp (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.), Commer. 113; 2, J. Holland IShell-Mex and BP Ltd.). Bedford. 192: 3, C. ("omen (Shell-Mes and BP Ltd.), Leyland, 245.
Class C---artie tractive units user 4 tons, Nat or sided sentl.trailer up to 38 ft.: No enteY.
Clam 1.1----box or tanker sesni-trailers with tractive units 4 tom or over: I. 1'. Scott (Shell-Mex and BP Ltd.), Scammell. 195: 2, C. Fuller (Shell-Meg and BP Ltd.). Scammell, 251; 3, R. Herbert (She.11-114cx and BP Ltd.). S.4..anuneil. 35.5.
Overall Winner: (3. Ranker ISchwermes Ltd.), Bedlord, Team Award: Express Dairy Co. Ltd. (E. Eavcs. J. Rigby. T. Jeffrey).