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T HE tricky situation concerning the Prices Board condemnation a rates in Which the Road Haulage Association found itself this...
The next seven days, July 2-9 in. Fleetwood round, Lorry DM er Com petition. At the Dock Area, Fleetwood, 10 a.m. Manchester...
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RHA Defies Priv °ad, then Wavers O N Monday the National Board for Prices and Incomes, in its first report, called upon the...
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"THE statement by the Road Haulage 1 Association on Monday, after publication of the Prices Board report, stressed that the RHA...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A FATEFUL, 90-minute meeting in Mr, George Brown's room at the 'House of Commons was the...
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AND NEW HANDS SEMI-TRAILER RANGE OEW versions of the popular Bo/tal1 lack Weightsaver van are being dered now that Hands...
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pi PPLY it where you can ", seems to be the general theme of professional hauliers up and down the country when asked by "The...
COMMENT from representatives of industry and agriculture this week revealed the limited nse to which RHA rate recommendations...
TH E seven per cent pay rise for London Transport's 32,000 bus drivers and conductors was defended last week by the Minister of...
LIBERAL CHALLENGE ON TRANSPORT POLICY 1BERALS in Parliament are chat. L. longing Mr. Wilson to lay his transport policy open...
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THE Government would not budge last I week when MPs asked for an extendon of the concessions given to bus operators to offset...
A N attempt to bring nationalized road transport and other State-owned industries within the ambit of the Monopolies and...
T HE manager of the Ipswich branch of Pickfords Ltd. said at Ipswich on Monday that his trading figures for furniture removals...
A T Chertsey on Wednesday 45 summonses against a road haulage company were described as "a large hammer to crack a very small...
T HE Addlestone, Surrey, factory of Weymanns Ltd., part of the Metropolitan-Cantmell-Weymann Ltd. group is to close at the end...
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THE Lords of Appeal have given t judgment in favour of Hall and Ham River Ltd. in the "who carries what " vehicle licensing...
AST week at Sheffield, not only did LA an applicant freely admit carrying coal without a licence, but also said he had been...
T HE appeal by W. Robinson and Sons (Great Harwood) Ltd. against • a decision of the North Western Traffic Commissioners...
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THE United Counties appeal decision I. was the cause of some confusion when Southern ectis Omnibus Co., which operates in the...
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Requests in Six Areas NORTHERN APPLICATIONS thine 23, 1945) J. Malmsey. Bishop Auckland, new B tic., veh. (3)1). Road and...
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C °VENTRY CORPORATION has ()tiered it busmen a new pay deal which will increase basic wages for a normal 42-hour week by up to...
THE Tees-side Railless Traction Board has applied to operate trolley buses between Eston and Normanby. At present the Board...
276 FOR BIRMINGHAM, 149 FOR MIDLAND RED O RDERS received by Transport Vehicles (Daimler) Ltd., Coventry, during the past few...
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A S reported in The Commercial Motor' of June 18, London Transport's Leland Adartteans'are now Coming off the production line....
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AV691, 6-cylinder vertical, 4-stroke direct injection diesel. Bore. 5.12 in. (130 mm); stroke, 5.59 in. (142 mm): capacity, 690...
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I AST year the North Western Road Car Co. Ltd. paid 1266.000 in fuel tax to the Government, said Mr. R. J. Huy (substituting...
Stockton Turns Down Bonus: An application by the TGWU for a merit or service bonus for employees has been turned down by...
newly formed service and parts division of Scammell Lorries Ltd. He will co-ordinate the work of the spares and service...
at the annual general meeting of the Scottish Motor Trade Association last week, Mr. W. D. Miller was elected president of the...
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COMMENTS on the experience of six ‘-•• years" operation of Routemaster buses were made in a paper by Mr. A. A. M. Durrant,...
BY R.D. CATER I N the very near future. a new set of initials will be in the minds of fleet operators and engineers when...
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F ROM September I. flashing indicators will he a compulsory fitting on all new commercial vehicles. This was said in the House...
of Yeovil Ltd., Princes Street, Yeovil, has been extended to include vans mounted on semi-trailer chassis. Based on Highway...
Moior covering August, 1964, to January, 1965, is now available and copies will be sent on receipt of 4d. to cover packing and...
Unusual Engine Failure KJO one is really interested in a ' 4 / mystery, least of all the engineer when the outcome is an...
A. 1 Dobson, of Chorley, Lancs. He states that in early 1959 his employers purchased four new Leyland Tiger Cubs. After...
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and Publications Portable Pressure-test Set A PORTABLE pres r sure-test set for hydraulic systems has rl been - introduced...
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A.J.P. WILDING Mech E, MIRTE ?PROBABLY the major interest in this test of an Albion 1 Super Clydesdale CD 65 is that it is...
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WHILST the exhibits of whicle operaVV tor interest at the Royal Show which opens at the permanent showground at Stoneleigh...
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By A.J. P. WILDI NG, AIVIIMechE, MARTE F OLLOWIENG the current trend in passenger vehicle design, Albion Motors Ltd. is now...
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N D they lived happily ever after. .... The Geddes Committee might almost have chosen to finish their report with this...
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By E. JAMES MILLEN H OW the mighty are fallen ... ! Certainly they fell at Southend on Sunday, largely in the persons of Ron...
D RESULTS Class A up in 16 ft, aud from 201 cwt.: 1, T. ledres (Espres-; Dairy Co. Ltd.). Morris. 109 penalty points: 2 Black...
LDOY-YORK ROUND By GEORGE PEARSON T HE Lord Mayor of York, who went to Rufforth RAF Station to present the prizes in the York...
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By The Hawk Mr. Marples, now shadow Minister of Teehndogy. What Marples Thinks En all the welter of comment about the Geddes...
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Current Practice B ECAUSE of the urgency of transport man3 operators are so involved in day-to-day—and even hour-to-hour...
A re' rider in the eastern_ counties states that he is proposing to start in business as an operator of a passenger vehicle and...
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United Transport• Report Increased Profits 'rEIE interim report (six months ago) put out by I UNITED TRANSPORT indicated that...
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By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London THE TRANSPORT EXAMINER'S NOTEBOOK Personal Views in...
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S HORT-TERM evening classes to meet a demand for concentrated instruction on a specific aspect Of vehicle operation could be...