Control Glicensees' Wages, says Mr. W. Edwards H OPES that the
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Government would shortly introduce legislation providing for the more effective enforcement of agreed wages and conditions and the control of wages paid by Clicensees, were expressed by Mr. W. Edwards, president of the National Road Transport Employers' Federation, in his report for 1936-37. He added that the Government committee of inquiry's report was likely to be available in a fem./ days.
He stated that the council of the Federation was examining the draft regulations under the Weights and Measures Act, 1936, which regulates dealing in sand and ballast. Under the regulations, it is proposed to make the Act operative as from July 1.
Speaking of licensing, Mr. Edwards declared that the mere extension of the validity of licences was not sufficient. Security was imperative, and the fear that, on the expiry of a haulief's licence, part or all of his business would be confiscated, must be removed.
Mr. Edwards revealed that the -urgent need .for stability, security of tenure and the elimination of unfair competition were points pressed in the memorandum signed by representatives • of the five national organizations em bracing A and B-licensees, and submitted through the British Road Federation to the subcommittee appointed by the Transport Advisory Council to examine the question of transport co-ordination. '
The president supported sound legis: lation and said that once uneconomic competition had been eliminated and the awing system had more closely related supply to demand, haulage rates could be stabilized at an economic level.
He expressed disappointment with the progress of the £100,000,000 fiveyear road plan.