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Railways -renew Objection Despite Reduction.
Surprise was expressed by Mr. T. D. Corpe, appearing for the Bristol Haulage Co., Ltd., which applied to the Western Licensing Authority for a licence renewal in respect of 92......
A.a. Rear Reflector For Commercial Vehicles.
The Automobile Association has been experimenting for some time with redreflector discs to be fitted to the backs of stationary vans and other commercial vehicles, so that they......
Britain's First Motor Road ?
Britain's first " autostrada ." for the 'exclusive use of motor traffic is projected by Lanes County Council. The proposed new road would run from the northern county boundary,......
Railways To Apply For Increased Rates.
A 'decision has, we understand, been made by the four railway companies to apply to the Railway Rates Tribunal' for permission to increase railway freights and fares by 5 per......
Personal Pars.
MR. T. N. TREEN is the new advertising and sales-promotion manager of Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd. Rawtcnstall Transport Committee has appointed MR. HARRY NORRIS, Of Oldham,......
Does Change Of Work Justify Licence Refusal? Unless The...
proved that his services were not in excess of requirements, a haulier who changed the nature of his business during the currency of his first licence should be refused a......
Motor Dealer Or Scrap Merchant?
An interesting case heard at Newport (Mon.), last Saturday, involved the liability of a defendant, who was described by the prosecution as a scrap merchant, but who declared......
L.m.s. Has Only Horses, But Still Objects.
Although the L.M.S. Railway Co. was stated to have only horse-drawn vehicles in the district, the company objected to an application by Messrs. A. and J. Bremner, hauliers, of......