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Profitable Rates For Beet Transport.
gl I am about to purchase a new 30-cwt. lorry for a beet-transport contract over a 20-mile route, at 6s. per ton, and over a two-mile route to the station at 2s. per ton. Do you......
Annual Contract With A 3-tonner.
" I have been asked to quote for the supply of a 3-ton lorry on yearly contract. The mileage would be 90 per day and 6s. 6d. per hour has been suggested as a reasonable figure.......
Hire Charges For Light Vans.
" We have been invited to supply 7-cwt. vans on an annual contract. The weekly mileage is 200 and the customer will provide the driver. It is suggested that the charge should be......
Sand Haulage And What It Costs.
" Will you please suggest the best method of quoting for the haulage of sand in 4-ton loads over distances of 1 mile to 15 miles? I have quoted 3s. 6d. per ton for 15 miles, but......
Case - Load Charges.
" I intend to acquire a 30-cwt. lorry to carry loads of 75 cases of goods from Brighton to London, returning with the same number of cases empty. What will be the cost per case,......
How To Deal With Overheads.
"We operate a number of lorries on general haulage. We are in the habit of accounting, in respect of each vehicle, for running costs, including fuel, lubricants, tyres,......
Loose - Load Costs.
" How should I charge for haulage work, such as the transport of bricks and tiles for shert distances, loose materials, such as beach or coal, or farm goods, where a good deal......
Tendering For Refuse Collection.
"I have been asked to tender for refuse collection In this town on four mornings per week. I use a 3-tonner, the tip is half a mile away and the mileage is negligible. I am to......
Assessing Charges For 500-mile Journey.
" What would be the cost of hauling a load on a 21-ton vehicle over a lead of 250 miles (returning empty), making in all a journey of 500 miles? The time taken for loading and......
Tonnage Prices For Quarry Stone.
" Is there any prescribed form of contract which would satisfy the LicenSing Authority in connection with an application for a contract A licence? The work I have in view is the......
Making Sheep Transport Pay.
" I have been offered a contract for the transport of sheep in loads of 80 to 170 at the following rates :-For 80 miles at 7d. tier head; 120 miles at 8d. ; 188 miles at 10d.......