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30th July 1965, Page 35
30th July 1965
Page 35
Page 35, 30th July 1965 — NEWS IN BRIEF
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Grimsby and CIeethorpes Deficit: The financial return of the Grimsby and ace thorpes joint transport committee for the rter ended June 30 last showed a theoretical gross surplus of 0,001. on the

three months' operating, which, however,

was turned into a deficiency of £7,339 when allowance was made for loan charges and

certain other standing expenses. The committee agreed to wait-for the 'July and August Ini,ures and then give urgent consideration to the next moves.

Glasgow Faces Further Costs: Glasgow Corporation transport committee will have an application by the TGWU before it next month asking for an increase in the good timekeeping bonus from 14s. to 30s. This would cost 050.000 in a total year. The

May 1965 accounts showed a deficit of f.422,264 on a turnover of I:10-4m. Introduc

tion of the 40-hour week is a further factor which the committee will require to take into account, adding a further £250,000 to the Glasgow wage bill, if approved.

Middlesbrough Deficit: Middlesbrough Corporation Transport had a deficit of I:26,473 in the year ended March 31 last, compared with a surplus of £12,628 in the previous year. This was attributed to public resistance to the Id. surcharge on week-end fares, labour disputes and •a long-term decline in the number of passengers. Net revenue at £554,465 was £1.873 less than in 1964.

More Modified Flectlinem: Walsall Corporation transport committee has recommended acceptance of the quotation of Transport Vehicles (Daimler) Ltd.. Coventry, for the supply of a further 15 modified Fleeffine rear-engined chassis at a total cost of £46,515.

Rawtensfall Surplus DOwn : Net surplus of Kawtenstall Corporation Transport for the

year ended March 31 last was £1,991 compared with 01,416 in the previous year. Total passenger revenue was 1192,657 a 197.564).

Midland Red Garage Extension: Work has started on the complete modernization and

enlargement. at a cost Of more than £128,000, of the Midland Red garage in Rugby. The capacity of the garage 'will be increased from 45 to 75 vehicles.

Rothesay Services: Approval has been given for Western SMT Co. Ltd. to take over and continue the stage and coach tour services in the Rothesay area, previously operated by the Rothesay Motor Services Ltd. These include Rothesay circular stage services and tours starting from .Colintrave Ferry. Glendaruel and Kilchattan Bay pier.

Lancashire United Timetable: Although an " independent " company, Lancashire United Transport Ltd., which operates about

450 buses, and coaches, has conformed to the standard form approved by the three major company bus groups for its latest bus timetable. published recently. This involves the use of the 24-1Mtu. clock System, and a ery neat layout of the actual tables printed in a very clear sans serif type.