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Road-building Setback
nUICKER hire-purchase repayments and a damper on the road building p;ogramme were among the measures announced this week by Mr. James Callaghan in his tough "little budget ".......
Bus Fares Will Not Be Referred To Prices Board
ISES in bus fares will not be referred to the National Board for Prices and Incomes. Economics Minister Mr. George Brown, who said this in the Commons last week, told MPs that......
No Direction For Concessionary Fares
IVIR. FRASER does not feel that he could direct the Bristol Omnibus Co. — part of the Tilling Group—to operate concessionary fares in the city. Stating th:s in the Commons this......
Clear Regulations In Severn Tolls Bill
WHEN the Minister of Transport drafts VT regulations for the use of the Severn Bridge he will bear in mind requests that there should be clear, statutory reasons for banning......
Rural Bus Report
T HE report of the local inquiries and experiments in rural bus services — to be published early next week--shows a number of interesting results and possibilities which will be......
Praise For Disc Parking
B US companies described Cheltenham's disc parking scheme as " marvellous " and bus drivers had written to the highways committee to express their pleasure, the Chamber of......
Action On Solus Sites
" I AM satisfied that the solus system in the petrol trade as now operated is in some respects contrary to the public interest. . ." This was the comment of Mr. Douglas Jay,......
Rha On Geddes
THE licensing committee's views on the 1 Geddes Report were discussed by the Road Haulage Association executive committee on Wednesday, and it was decided to put the......