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Scottish Prohibitions
OADSIDE checks by 19 Ministry examiners on A7, A8 and A9 on the outskirts of Edinburgh recently, resulted in immediate prohibition notices for 34 mit of 314 vehicles stopped.......
New Liner Proposals
L EADERS DERS of the National Union of Railwaymen are to put new proposals on liner trains to the British Railways Board. The decision, reached at a meeting of the union's......
Buckinghamshire Corps
l'HE Chief Constable of Buckinghamshire is anxious to see established a vehicle observer corps to take action against lorry thieves. A preliminary meeting was held recently, and......
Closure Of Tir Posts In Germany T He Following Customs...
in the Federal Republic of Germany have now been closed to TIR traffic: Lampertehim (Frankfurt); Visselhovede (Hannover); Mölln ((Gel); Herxheim (Koblenz); Erding (lvliinchen);......
In Brief
New Service Centre : On August 13 the chairman of the North East Development Council is to open the new commercial vehicle sales and service centre which is now being completed......
Thc Bombshells
and link with Leyland that frei HE State-owned Transport Holding Company is expected to succeed in a bid to acquire control of the 1,500-vehicle Tayforth Ltd. group of transport......
The Tayforth Take-over
P E news that agreement had been reached for the Transport Holding Company to acquire a s controlling interest in Tayforth Ltd., of Edinburgh, through the medium of a new......
Thc-leyland Swap
'HE agreed exchange of shares between 1 the THC and the Leyland Motor Corporation "on the basis that will lead to a development of their mutual interest in vehicle......