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Tory says debate is hollow sham

30th July 1976, Page 16
30th July 1976
Page 16
Page 16, 30th July 1976 — Tory says debate is hollow sham
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NORMAN FOWLER, the Opposition spokesman on Transport, has slammed the whole consultation exercise on the Government's Green Paper as a hollow sham.

Speaking last week Mr Fowler, MP for Sutton Coldfield, said that the providers of transport, like British Rail and London Transport, and the unions who represent those working in the industry had been asked for their views.

"But what they have totally failed to do is to consult the users of transport — the consumers. That is not only a matter of complaint, it makes their consultation exercise a hollow sham."

At no stage had the Governmnt shown the slightest interest in the views of the travelling public. The paying customer had been excluded from the "magic circle" who determine Labour's transport policy. "He will get what he is given ," Mr Fowler went on.