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30th July 1976, Page 16
30th July 1976
Page 16
Page 16, 30th July 1976

Tory Says Debate Is Hollow Sham

NORMAN FOWLER, the Opposition spokesman on Transport, has slammed the whole consultation exercise on the Government's Green Paper as a hollow sham. Speaking last week Mr Fowler,......

How To Pass Hgv Tes

A NEW BOOK designed as a guide to both hgv trainees z instructors is to be published by Kogan Page on August 5. A Guide to Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Test and Licen by David......


Speed bumps SPEEDS, drops and traffic flow also fell following the experimental laying of road humps in Oxford last year. The nine humps, each 12ft long and 4in high, were......

Oxford To Look At Lorry Routes

OXFORDSHIRE has put forward a system of lorry routes that may end up as the only routes across the country for truckers. The scheme has been offered for public reaction and......

Day Release For Young Managers

EMPLOYERS of young men junior management positio) can send them to the day-r lease course in road transpo management. which begins October 7 at. Ealing Technic College. The......