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30th July 1976
30th July 1976
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Page 1, 30th July 1976

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E30m extra burden or road transport

CUTS in public expenditure announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Denis Healey, last week could mean at least another...

Plans to LOWER some fares

THE FIRST agency agreement between a local council and a National Bus subsidiary company is about to start operating in the...

Bypass these

road programme announced C u ts by the Chancellor last week have been denounced by the road haulage industry. A spokesman for...

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ANSPORT managers' licences have been condemned as nbersome, costly and totally irrelevant to the economic state he country by...

DECISION by the DoE to rease psv licence fees —

in ne cases by fourfold — will ;t operators around £3m a tr, according to the Confemtion of British Road Pasiger Transport,...

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Cut subsidies build roads

TO MAKE UP for the policy mistakes of the past the Government should make a large shift in transport spending away from...

Let's crack I' anger code

DIAMOND danger signs on trucks loaded with dangerous goods should not be in a secret code and the public should be able to...

BR demands 40m tons om roads

THE ROAD v RAIL battle sparked into life again this week with both sides firing off heavy salvoes — and first blood went to...

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iobby promises Dock Bill r tough passage

tOUGHRIDERS -IE Government's Dock Work Regulation Bill scraped through third reading on Tuesday with a majority of just three...

Hauliers slam 'social' costs tax

k.ULAGE operators have mmed the Government's Ln to up the taxation on their des to cover "social costs." knd they have also...

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Show your union card' scare

WARNING of a union card leek led to fears of a new mpaign for all out closed ops in transport last week. The warning came from...

Take a load off your mind

A FREE advisory service on vehicle loading is being offered by Weighwrite Ltd, 49 West Street, Farnham, Surrey, to operators...

6% rise

)AD haulage costs went up more than 6 per cent during ?. first six months of 1976. kccording to the Road Hau;e Association, the...

Two sides to transport

BOTH SIDES of the great transport policy debate will get an airing at the Road Haulage Association's annual conference in...

policy debate

There will also be an open session for members under the age of 35 "or those who consider themselves mentally under that age."...

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Tory says debate is hollow sham

NORMAN FOWLER, the Opposition spokesman on Transport, has slammed the whole consultation exercise on the Government's Green...

How to pass hgv tes

A NEW BOOK designed as a guide to both hgv trainees z instructors is to be published by Kogan Page on August 5. A Guide to...


Speed bumps SPEEDS, drops and traffic flow also fell following the experimental laying of road humps in Oxford last year. The...

Oxford to look at lorry routes

OXFORDSHIRE has put forward a system of lorry routes that may end up as the only routes across the country for truckers. The...

Day release for young managers

EMPLOYERS of young men junior management positio) can send them to the day-r lease course in road transpo management. which...

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hose pxaminers EHICLE examiners are not there to catch people out — not iless it is absolutely necessary. And this is...

Tyre tests on Marathon

PIRELLI has bought a Leyland Marathon four-wheel rigid with a 548cm (216 inch) wheelbase to test tyres on motorways and A-class...

MINISTER for Transport Dr John Gilbert is reviewing the general

need for the "due date" principle which governs the issue of test certificates for heavy goods vehicles. He told MPs last week...

SPD take over Ca rrvfast

NATIONWIDE exprets par. cels carrier Carryfast Ltd has. been taken over by SPD Ltd. Carryfast will continue tc operate as a...

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CF Service md resigns CRANE FRUEHAUF subsidiary managing director Basil Day has resigned after "differing views" on the future...

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Supporters club 'scores' at Manchester inquiry

ANCHESTER United Supporters' Club rercame strong opposition from operars already licensed for football excurills when its...

Glasgow sorts out

PLANS are well advanced for relaxation of the old Glasgow The region has inherited from the older Corporation the 40-year-old...

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KING TRUCK Equipment's range of semi-low extendible trailers now consists

of three models, the TYE 20/3, TSE 45/4 and TSE 60/5 with capacities of 20.3 tonnes (20 tons), 45.7 tonnes (45 tons) and 61...

THE FIRST Leyland Marathon 74-ton sleeper-cab tractive ur to be

released by a dealer has just entered service with P1 Transport Inc. Loaned to PIE ".)y Lex Tillotson of Southampti for a trial...

Tautliners for Ireland

BOALLOY has signed an agn ment to allow Dennison Traill Ireland Ltd to manufacture a market Tautliner curtain-sid bodywork in...

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by Graham Montgomerie

A four speed synchromesh arbox is used in conjunction th a 8.3in diameter single y plate clutch. The Hi-Lux has a steering...

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FREIGHT should be encouraged to move from road to rail

and the rail network should be expanded to meet the expected demand. So says the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. But...

'Stop these road plans'

STOP-GO investment programmes for the roads are condemned by the Chartered Institute of Transport. They lead to a "gross waste...

Broader approach

NO INDICATIONS of the way in which a national transport strategy could be developed are in the Green Paper on transport, says...


WITH the - deadline for the end of the consultation period on the Government's transport policy paper just a few days off there...

Thumbs up from CIA

THE GREEN PAPER gets t thumbs up with few qualific tions from the Chemic Industries Association. CIA director-general Martin...

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kn Acton haulier plans

thead with caution and ;ome hope iv Paul Mungo THE WAY I look at life iese days is to take it as it miles," Roy Dodd says. We...

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Irish Rover

phone rang one day last ek — what am I saying? The Dne rang every day last week; lever seems to stop. However, 3 was a...


Brother It just had to crop up again, that TV series, The Brothers, which shows a side of transport that I've never...

$ secret time

There is a TV programnte I'll be watching this week at 8,30 pm on Thursday. It's a new series called The Risk Business, anti...

:armen's all

a far cry from the ns-African route to a City of idon Livery Company hall. t week in the Barber . geons Hall the Worshipful...

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Swiss jail

power cheats A court in BIEL, Switzerland, has sentenced four sales executives of a company representing a well-known United...

Parcels deal wrapped up

After two years of planning and preparation a private German parcels service has begun operations in competition with the Post...

Driver breaks cost Dutch £28m

To a truck driver the welcome and food at his favourite café is well worth making a detour of a few miles; to the operator the...

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On the road and on site the truck performed very well indeed with a good fuel consumption achieved with a short round trip...

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asks JOHN DARKER ROAD transport operators hearing about the fuss made by objectors at public inquiries into new road projects...

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Ford D0710 at 7.5 tonnes giro,

IN-LINE with other manufacturers Ford has introduced a truck to take advantage of existing legislation. The unladen weight of...

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Shocking reply awaited

30VERNMENTS have enough pernicious ideas of their own Nithout being encouraged to add to the stock. The two road ransport...

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Sharpen your drill

From James Neill comes the Eclipse 39 drill sharpener. The device allows precision grinding of drill bits without either...

Fifth wheel

Following on from the TJ 3 pressed steel fifth-wheel coupling from Davies Magnet, the company has introduced a heavy-section...

Power washers

From Staples Engineering (Watford) comes a range of four power-washers. The P1000 model delivers a minimum 13.7 litres/min...

Tidy up board

An aid to keeping the transport office tidy without losing all those important messages has been released by 3M. Known as the...

Big wash and brush up

From Smith Bros and Webb Ltd comes the Britannia Strong, a fully automatic three-brush mobile gantry washer capable of handling...

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ecure ite load

aft has added four i-purpose lashing straps to Inge. The 25.4mm (1.0in) straps are available in four iard lengths. 2m (6.5ft),...

ual lirror

rt Jagger has introduced a -view mirror called the aur. To keep the cost down, ndard 254 x 152mm (6in) flat glass is used as...

Q ls it permissible for us to use second-hand tractive units,

which we have taken as part exchange, under our trade plates for hauling trailers between our workshops and other premises from...

Q We are going into the plant hire business and much

of our equipment will be large items of engineering plant. Can you clarify for us the need for an attendant when such equipment...

a l intend to buy an artic tractive unit and use

it to haul other operators' loaded trailers. Because I will have no trailer of ray own to match with I am at a loss as to how...

am buying a new coach which I intend to use

on excursions and tours. I have not operated such a vehicle before and, as it will be fitted with a radio, I should like to...

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RADIATORS have not changed in construction much for years, although they get bigger as power is increased, and they need to be...

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by Les Oldridge,,TEng (CE!), MIMI, AMIRTE

When you must pay up! THE Employment Protection Act requires an employer who lays off a worker for a full day because he...