Makers Divulge Their Home and Export Marketing Plans
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Factors which must receive attention if production for the export and home trade is to be
maintained Many interesting suggestions from leaders of the commercial vehicle industry to improve marketing facilities
BETTER PLACED THAN WAS EXPECTED By G. Cozens, Director, Commser Cars, Ltd.
DESPITE heavy calls on our productive facilities we are dealing with orders for Commer and Karrier vehicles both for the home and export markets as expeditiously as circumstances allow. It is difficult to define the position more accurately than this. Preference must perforce be given to the requirements of the Forces, and this at present restricts the balance available for other purposes,
Restriction, however, is not cessation; material for home and export has been promised, and we are doing everything possible to:— (a) Supply vehicles to the home market, particularly for those users whose work is of national importance.
(b) Supply vehicles to the export markets, particularly in view of the Government's request for us todo our utmost in this direction, so as to assist in obtaining exchange for war 'purchases, etc. This reason is, of course, quite apart from tha obvious necessity of our trying to bold our export markets during this most difficult period.
Summarizing, we may say, that we are better placed to supply our home and export markets than we expected we should be, and there is a real probability that this position may improve.
Needless to state, steps have already been taken to safeguard the position of users both at home and overseas by making available, through our widespread distributor and dealer organization, ample stocks of spare parts covering all current models.
MILITARY NEEDS BREED EXPORT DESIGNS By J. W. Thomycroft, Director, John I. Thomycroft and Co., Ltd.
WE think we can claim that the efforts made by the Thornycroft Co. since 1919 to obtain export business have been equal to or greater than those of any other concern in the motor trade. The company has invested large sums of money in concerns abroad, with but little return and certainly no thanks from Government quarters. We are now faced with the position of having organizations in Brazil, Argentine, Egypt, India, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and China, and, owing to Government requirements, not being able to supply these organizations with any quantity of products to sell. In these circumstances it will be quite impossible for these organizations to make both ends meet.
We are hoping that in a year the position will have eased and that we shall he able to give a greater quantity of supplies to these overseas companies, and with this policy in mind we are not reducing staffs or cutting down facilities.
The greater the value of motor products purchased from America, and other foreign countries, the greater will be our need to export. Unfortunately, owing to lack of vision or restrictions placed by the Treasury on the Defence Departments, these purchases appear to be necessary in order to deal with the submarine and mine menace, but these imports should be stopped as soon as possible, and steps taken immediately to ensure that supplies can be obtained in Great Britain should the war continue.
There is one aspect which is helpful to export business, in that the special military requirements for vehicles will breed designs which will be very suitable for export.
Another aspect of the export side is the position of the) agent. We can but hope that our cultivation of agents and their support during the past 20 years will make them feel that it is worth while waiting until we can let them have supplies and not fix up immediately agency agreements with non-British companies, AN EXTENSIVE BEDFORDPROGRAMME
By A. F. Palmer Phillips, Director of Sales, Vauxhall Mors, Ltd.
SINCE the outbreak of war, the company manufacturing the Bedford has concentrated almost the whole of its resources upon Government production. In doing so, it has made a considerable contribution to the national war effort. It is, however, a matter of sincere regret to the company that the priority of this work has involved disappointing so many of its friends in the commercialtransport world,
The disappointment has been mutual. For some years the Bedford has been building up a solid reputation as the most popular commercial vehicle of its class on the market, and a new series of models, ranging from 6 cwt. to 8 tons, had just been introduced when hostilities commenced.
The programme which the company had mapped out had to be summarily curtailed. During the past two or three months, only the 5-6-cwt. and 10-12-cwt. light delivery vans have continued in uninterrupted production. Users of heavier vehicles have been unable to obtain deliveries in anything like sufficient quantities, and have had to put' up with an apparent neglect which the-company has been, powerless to remedy.
Fortunately, there are indications that this unsought " embargo " will be lifted—or, at least, partially lifted—in the near future. Subject to avaitatility of materials, a B5I
small percentage of the normal domestic output will be allowed, and probably rather more export requirements. The two light vans, which have been produced without a break since war began, are already well known. 'Both are outstanding for petrol economy—the 5-6-cwt. van with a normal consumption, under load, of about 35 m.p.g., and the 10-12-cwt, with over 25 m.p.g. The latter, incidentally, has been adapted with considerable success as an A.R.P. ambulance (a large number is being supplied to the L.C.C.) so designed that it can be quickly reconverted for delivery work when the emergency is over.
The truck models introduced last July cover a range of load capacities varying from 90-40 cwt. to 6 tons. Among the important improvements announced at that time are hydraulic brakes, stronger rear axles and a new driving cab, described as the finest ever fitted to a commercial vehicle. There are also two Bedford-Scammell articulated vehicles for pay-loads of 6 and S tons respectively.
All of these models were designed to carry a specified "maximum allowable gross laden weight" in conformity With the proposed Plating Regulations, and the guaranteed gross weights were specified with the tyre equipment fitted as standard.
Of particular interest to users of enclosed vans is the 30-40-cwt. delivery van, a thoroughly modern, robustlooking vehicle with a load capacity of 235 cubic ft., excluding the space beside the driver.
WAR PRIORITY FOR ESSENTIAL VEHICLES By J. E. Foden, Sales Manager, Fodens, Ltd.
WE have received a number of inquiries from overseas since the commencement of the war, probably equal to the pre-war period, and we have quoted prices which, owing to war conditions, are somewhat higher than pre-war quotations, We are anxious to continue and extend our overseas trade, fully recognizing the national importance of such trade, both during and after the war, and are negotiating for considiffable business in various countries.
Regarding the home market, we have received a large number of inquiries and orders for vehicles to transport goods for the war effort, and other Work of national importance, in addition to direct Government contracts.
We consider that many orders for vehicles to be used in transporting the goods essential to the life and economy of the nation, also those for the export market, should rank in priority almost equal to the vehicles needed for the fighting Forces. Permits for material should be granted accordingly, also National credit terms arranged to facilitate the flow of overseas trade on a sound basis.
We appreciate that the foremost consideration is to "win the war," but in order to meet the payments for vital supplies obtained from overseas it is essential that our export trade shall flourish and expand; also such trade will minimize, so far as possible, the slump which inevitably follows a major war, • • A COMPREHENSIVE A.E.C. POLICY By J. M. E. Fell, Overseas Sales Manager, The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
REGARDING the policy of this company on the question of supplying its products to the export and home markets, we would say that the Government's urgent request that manufacturers should export has been accepted by this company as an obligation and a duty towards the country, and we are leaving no stone unturned to maintain the closest possible contact with our existing overseas markets. In addition, we are making strenuous efforts to expand wherever possible, and this policy has resulted not only in the maintaining of existing markets and increased sales, but also in the widening of our activities in territories hitherto untouched.
In the home market we are more limited in our output, but it is hoped we shall be able to continue to cater for it.
Dealing with types; our main exports overseas are the Regal single-deck and the Regent double-deck chassis, with A.E.C. direct-injection oil engines, for passenger work, and, on the goods side, the Mammoth Major six-wheeled and Matador four-wheeled chassis; these also are the main types applicable to the home market. In addition, inquiries and n52 sales for twoand three-axle trolleybuses; both from the home and export markets, are most promising.
Since the commencement of the war we have maintained a steady but limited flow of chassis, both passenger and goods, to the overseas markets of the world and to home operators, and, at the same time, have maintained our national effort to the Government.
To sum up, our policy of production can be considered in three categories:—
(1) Production to meet Government requirements.
(2) Satisfying the increasing needs of the export market, both in passenger and commercial vehicles.
(3) Meeting the needs of home-market operators. It is fitting that we should also intimate that recently export matters have received more attention from the Government, but such attention needs to be continuous and centralized to ensure success for our efforts.
EXPORT AND MEET HOME WASTAGE By E. C. Ruffle, Managing Director, Morris Commercial
OURpolicy is simple, we would wish to do business with our home and export customers as usual, but we realize that the requirements of the nation for the equipment of the fighting Services have prior claim and that policy must be adjusted accordingly.
It was estimated on the outbreak of hostilities that the production capacity of the country was ample to supply the needs of the Services, leaving a margin for the continued manufacture and supply of vehicles for home and export, and so keep aUe ordinary business trading which Government officials continually point out is so necessary to promote finance for the successful prosecution of the war. To. a large extent this estimate is correct, but the magnitude of the effort which is being put forward by the industry to meet the requirements of the Services has created such a . demand for the necessary materials that it has been generally realized that first priority must he given to supplies in order to manufacture the required quantity of Service vehicles, which leaves little for our ordinary production.
In order to get a true picture of our own industry, we must realize the enormous demands for similar material for all the other industries which are responsible for the supply of aeroplanes, tools, guns, ships, and engineering details of all descriptions, and we immediately see that material for our purpose comes right down the list.
Knowing, as we do, that road transport is one of the main arteries of our national life, and commercial vehicles quite a useful item on the list of engineering exports, we feel that a determined effort should be made to allow our industry an agreed amount of material so that manufacture may continue, if on only a very small scale.
We know that steps are being taken by the S.M.M. and T., the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Supply, to explore fully the possibility of doing this, and we appreciate the difficulty which has to be faced, but would take this opportunity of saying that, in our opinion, the supply of vehicles for export to bring in cash, and to the home market to make up wastage, is vitally important if this country is to continue to put forward the maximum possible effort.
SURPLUS FOR OVERSEAS AND HOME USERS By Henry Spurrier, Managing Director, Leyland Motors, Ltd.
THE change from " peace-time " to " war-time " work in the factories of commercial-vehicle builders does not compare with that of beating the proverbial ploughshare into the sword. The commercial vehicle merely becomes the war-purpose vehicle. Such changes as are required to the latter are merely superficial and do not affect the manufacture and assembly of the main units. Thus the machine and unit-assembly shops of the factory, after four months of war, present but little change: parts of the same design and type are being dealt with in increasing quantities, but in the chassis-assembly bays long rows of similar chassis, painted a peculiar dirty red, dominate the output.
Superficial as these chassis changes may be, yet considerable time is required, first to settle with the authorities what they shall be, then to obtain the additional material, and, finally, to bring into execution predetermined programmes of assembly.
During this period the personnel of the factory must be kept employed. To suspend or disorganize it would be definitely contrary to national interests, as the output it produces is potentially " war " material.
Until the war assembly programme is in full swing, therefore, the commercial assembly programme must proceed with a swing-over in favour of vehicles for overseas markets to assist the country's trade balance.
The policy of this company has been modelled on these facts: Deliveries to overseas markets, to public-servicevehicle operators, and users of goods vehicles, have continued and will continue in possibly diminishing quantities, without interfering with Government requirements. The underlying principle is that the country's needs must come first, and assembly programmes for Ministry of Supply requirements are rapidly being achieved. With the present indicated requirements of the Government, there still remains a surplus available for overseas, which comes next in importance, whilst the balance is for home customers.
What the future holds no one can telr. We may be called upon to accelerate and increase our war assembly programmes. . Obviously this can be done only with a reduction of this surplus. Hence we can accept commercial orders only without commitment as regards delivery and strictly to the company's standard specification. The embodiment of •any special feature is impossible under present conditions, when programmes can be drawn up only without allocation to any particular customer. The company is also engaged in the manufacture of other special war material, but this is being carried out in a manner to avoid interference with road-vehicle production.
POLICY DEPENDS UPON MATERIALS RELEASED By H. C. Mallett, Managing Director, Tilling-Stevens, Ltd.
COMMERMAL-VEMCLE manufacturers, preoccupied 1..-/with their response to the varied demands of the situations, have, I am sure, difficulty in framing a policy for the export and tome 'markets. Regarding exports, we all realize that a much-increased turnover in revenue is required, not merely for the purpose of reducing the enemy's trade, but to support the general cost of the war.
This is all elementary, but the fundamental 'principle is " now much raw Material can the Government release to the commercial-vehicle manufacturer after the requirements of the fighting Forces have been met to the full?" Surely this can be determined only by the closest co-operation between our industry and the Ministry. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the Federation of British Industries, and other societies, are working to this end, and it is up to all of us to give them full support.
This company, when war started, placed at the disposal of the Government the output of our factories, this being our contribution to help bring the war to a satisfactory and speedy conclusion. Naturally, our export and home commercial-vehicle sales suffered accordingly. However, we have available for both markets ordinary and battery-electric vehicles but, in common with other manufacturers, we await our quota of raw material. In the meantime, we are producing such vehicles in small quantities, as it is our desire to endeavour to keep faith, not only with our customers, but our friends in the trade.
THE AUSTIN OUTLOOK ON EXPORTS By B. J. Hegarty, Export Manager, Austin Motor Co., Ltd.
QINCE the outbreak of war we have been inundated with orders for Austin commercial vehicles from many parts of the world. There are various reasons for this but two distinctly important ones. The first is the lower price, despite increased manufacturing and: shipping costs, war risk insurance, and so on, in comparison with our principal competitors' prices—the Americans—brought about by the alteration in the dollar/sterling exchange rate from about $4.80 to $4.02—a difference in our favour of roughly 20 per cent.
The other main reason, which is fortunately coincidental, is that our trucks, which were introduced only about a year ago, have emerged successfully from their baptism of fire, and their. virtues have become evident.
The problem that we are now laced with is, how we are to satisfy all these orders and the many more that will follow automatically immediately we commence shipping, when the fighting Forces are still clamouring so insistently for every piece of commercial transport that comes off the assembly lines? Up to now, we have not attempted to ship any of our commercial vehicles overseas, and in fact, the thought had hardly occurred to us, as the requirements of the fighting Forces are first and last in our minds. Fortunately, this state of affairs is beginning to change somewhat, although still almost imperceptibly, and the time now seems to be arriving when we may be able to commence thinking about supplying a few vehicles for overseas transport needs, and, by the same process, obtain some of that, currency of other countries which the Government will find so useful in helping to pay for the vast quantities of produce and commodities that we are importing from all quarters of the globe. Once this movement has commenced, we hope that it may be permitted to grow, and for our part, we think we shall be able to furnish as many orders from overseas as the raw-material position will enable us to manufacture for the duration of the war. In saying this, of course, it has to be remembered that the element of surprise is ever present in Warfare, and to-day is probably more potent than ever.
BRISK DEMAND FOR SPECIAL MODELS By J. A. Taylor, Director, Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd.
WHILST we fully realize that vehicles ordered under IN Government priority contract must of course have preference, it is nevertheless the policy of this company to maintain the closest touch with its civilian customers both at home and abroad. It has been found that although the demand for standard machines for .civilian purposes has decreased since the outbreak of war, the demand for special models is a very brisk one.
We were, perhaps, fortunate, or possibly far-seeing, in having available at the outset of war, a considerable stock of steel castings and other components, which has enabled us to give our civilian customers reasonable delivery. We have increased the staff in our designs department to enable us to cope with the big demand for special types. The export side of our business is far from being dead, and at the time of writing we have orders in hand for IS vehicles for South Africa, and six for South America.
. Briefly, the policy of the company will very definitely be to cater for the export market and to keep our civilian connection going, so long as it is humanly possible to do so.
GOVERNMENT AID FOR DEVELOPMENT By C. A. Compton, Sales Manager, The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.
THE Government has appealed to manufacturers to boost export trade, and all are willing to do their best in this direction, but it is obvious that under the present conditions a lead 'must be given by the Government with a view to reducing customs barriers, adjustment of currency, cost of shipment, and guarantees that contracts will be honoured, To tackle the export market as an experiment would be both foolish and costly, and one thing in particular which should be controlled is that all manufacturers should be prevented from tackling isolated markets, thus avoiding congestion. The keynote is that development should be towards establishing on a permanent basis a connection in new markets overseas, but unless a consistent demand is built up manufacturers cannot be recompensed, without Government assistance, for the development work and financial strain involved.
-Vehicles must be made which appeal generally, but their launching on new ground creates new problems, particularly where there are great distances betveeen industrial centres, most of which have relatively small populations.
For our own part we would state that we are fully aware of the keen competition, and that markets should be the subject of close study,, particular attention being paid to adapting one's products to the services to which they will be put, and, on the other hand, adopting trade methods acceptable to buyers under established customs.
We would like to take this opportunity of acknowledging B53 the great assistance we have always received from the Department of Overseas Trade, which is extremely helpful in enabling us to establish the right contacts, and giving a lead as to the types of passenger and goods-carrying vehicle most suited to varying conditions.
The Export Credits Guarantee, too, has been most helpful, and manufacturers in need of financial guidance will do well to make contact with the department organizing this. We also appeal to the authorities to provide some sort of relief regarding insurance and trans-shipment rates. If we are to compete with people who are already established in the buying countries, we must do so on price, and as things are at the moment this is not possible without some form of reduction in insurance rates, and a subsidy from the Government.
The question of obtaining Material supplies is a great factor: it is not so much obtaining requirements to meet specific contracts, but rather to get all supplies through in time to meet possible future developments, and qualify for participation in contracts on the essential delivery basis.
ACCEPTING IMPORTANT CONTRACTS FOR BUSES By E. J. Batchelor, Sales Promotion Manager, Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd.
THE policy of Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd.; is to continue production of its C.O.G.5 and C.O.G.6 singleand double-deck chassis. Present conditions make it impossible to plan too far ahead, but the company is determined to meet as fully as possible the requirements of operators both in domestic and overseas markets.
Export business will be maintained at the highest possible level, because the importance of ensuring an even flow of trade is fully understood. Vessels must not be allowed to go empty and return full, and this company is doing its share to avoid this by its impressive bus shipments te South Africa and elsewhere.
Summarizing, we are not only fulfilling all outstanding orders, but are tendering for and accepting new important bus-chassis contracts at home and overseas, confident that we are in this way contributing towards a successful issue of the present emergency.
It is interesting to note that there are now over 154 Daimler buses operating in the Union of South Africa, and this total is constantly being increased. Over 11,000,000 miles have been covered by these buses up to June 30, 1939, and as an indication of the reliability, the individual mileage of one chassis is recorded as 206,555 at that date. Daimler bus fleets are operating in South Africa at Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Springs, Benoni, Germiston and Salisbury (S. Rhodesia).
SUPPLYING. TROLLEYBUSES AND ELECTRICS By J. G. Legg, M.I.Mech.E., General Manager, Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.
AT the present time 'we, like many other manufacturers, are working at high pressure to cope with the volume of work passing through our factory. Our engineering department is fulfilling important orders for machine tools, the Manufacture of a new type of gear-grinding machine having been entrusted to us by a well-known Midland firm. Other
• precision work, including jigs, tools and gauges, is also in hand, although it is not permissible in present circumstances to glee details of this.
On the Vehicle side, although, as stated, we are so busily engaged, we hive made ample provision for the production of Sunbeam trolleybuses. During the past few months we have received a number of orders, both from the home and overseas markets, for trolleybuses, and these are all actively in process of manufacture. It is gratifying to note that most of these are repeat orders from municipal transport operators who have had considerable experience of Sunbeam vehicles. Among recent home orders are vehicles for WolverhamRton, Walsall and Rotherham. We would particularly refer to orders from Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban, Sunbeam trolleybuses being used in South Africa in greater numbers than any other make.
We have planned our manufacturing policy in every way to ensure the maintenance of our vehicle production, realizing especially that the trolleybus is a most necessary vehicle to many municipalities which are faced with the problem of transporting daily increasing numbers of passenu54 gers due to growing industrial activity and other causes incidental to present conditions.
The Sunbeam battery-electric vehicle is also going through steadily, and, due to the pre-war provision of substantial supplies of material, we are still able to give almost immediate delivery of chassis, and delivery of complete vehicles within a few weeks of receipt of orders.
HOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN HELP By T. A. Pollard, Secretary, R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd.
THE Government, whilst calling on the country to export as much as possible, has not provided the necessary machinery for doing so. We would suggest, therefore, that the following be adopted:—
(a) That Priority Certificates be granted for export work. The war effort depends upon our ability to finance it, and, therefore, exports actually rank in importance with armaments.
(b) That the granting of export licences should be greatly expedited.
(c) The present trailers required for the war effort should be designed in collaboration with the Dominions, with two ends in view, first to enable trailers, particularly for home defence, to be used in this country and in the Dominions, and, secondly, to enable Dominion contractors to gain experience with W.D.-type vehicles, with a view to their absorption into private work after the cessation of hostilities.
(d) Government help should be given in the form of Trade Commissions, in order•to ascertain exactly what are the difficulties in the way of export, and to explore new channels.
(e) The Government, which is now such an enormous customer in certain foreign countries, must, therefore, have great influence, which should be exploited to the utmost, conceivably to the extent of actually making payment in kind, which, of course, would benefit industry in general and not only vehicle concerns. We have a steady export market for special trailers, which we have found over a period of years to be unaffected by trade cycles. The war has not seriously interrupted this market, and so far as we are concerned we anticipate continuing to export our special vehicles.
CATERING FOR SPECIALIZED PRODUCTS By R. G. Palmer, Managing Director, The Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd.
REGARDING the policy of this company in relation, to the export and home trade, the writer's opinion is that the first aim of all manufacturers must be to assist in the satisfactory prosecution of the war, and to take on the supply of war material for which their factories are most suitable and for which they have special experience.
Secondly, they should do everything in their power to foster the export business, as surely this must play a most important part from the economic side, apart from holding our markets, upon which we shall be so dependent after hostilities arc concluded. Consideration must also be given to the municipalities and public services, as their work must be carried on to maintain the health and the efficiency of the country.
The remainder of the home market's demands, although not so great, are still necessary, particularly from the roadtransport side, when special vehicles, trailers, multiwheelers, etc., are indispensable for carrying special plant.
MAINTAIN EXPORTS, NOT RESUME LATER By R. H. Seddon, Director, Foster and Seddon, Ltd.
THESE anxious days of war, licences and regulations have greatly added to the heavy responsibilities of the commercial-vehicle manufacturer. To carry on his business successfully it has always been essential that he should lay his plans for many months ahead, any plans laid in these days are over-shadowed by the fear that sortie regulation, however necessary it may be, may upset these plans and disorganize an intricate business,
Whilst the industry is wholeheartedly using its great resources in the war effort, one vital fact must not be forgotten, it is, first, that the war has to be paid for and, secondly, that this country lives by its exports. Payment can he made out of large cash resources while they last, and after that only by goons and services. After the war exports should not have to be resumed, but should be carried on with greater intensity, that is to say, we must strain every nerve to preserve the continuity of this trade.
During the years following the past war, large sums of money were spent and great effort put forth to build up and maintain bur industry's export business, and British vehicles have a high reputation abroad. .
As our industry is virtually controlled we must see to it that the Government is kept constantly aware of the importance which the maker attaches to his overseas markets, and that however great' the need may be for vehicles for war purposes, the need for export business is also great.
Our own policy will be to concentrate on the models we are now producing to meet the home• needs so far as we can, and to foster and encourage export business to the utmost of our power.
By W. Fish, Managing Director, Dennis Bros., Ltd.
UNDER present-day conditions, it is both sound business and a national duty to take the fullest advantage of the opportunities now existing of overseas trade.
If any market be neglected for some length of time, the merchant, seeking to resume business, will find it difficult. New competitors will have arisen, his own standing will be forgotten and he must acquaint himself with the fresh, needs caused by changes with which he has not kept himself familiar. This applies to international 'commerce just as much as to domestic: it is a past mistake that must not be repeated.
Moreover, the imports of foodstuffs and munitions must he balanced, so far as possible, by the exportation of manufactured goods, of which commercial vehicles should form a considerable proportion. Every haulage operator knows that efficient operation is closely' concerned with return loads, and the same principle is just as operative in the case of sea-borne traffic.
In recognizing these aspects of the matter, we are keeping in the closest•touch with our oversea agents and distributors, and in spite of present production difficulties for the civilian market, we are maintaining supplies to meet their needs.
It is not necessary to detail the machinery which must be set in motion to cope with these orders, for the authorities are fully aware of the desirability of promoting the trade, and we have not experienced any difficulty in the matter of export licences. The availability of -material is not quite so straightforward at the moment, but we anticipate that the few outstanding difficulties of co-ordination will shortly disappear.
Enjoying the confidence of many influential traders and operators abroad, we find a healthy and gratifying export demand for all types of our products. These include, of course, fire-engines and those specialized appliances which municipalities purchase for streetcleansing and similar duties; machines of this nature, MEETING DEMANDS FOR PASSENGER VEHICLES By A. W. Hubble, M.I.Mech.E., Managing Director, Crossley Motors, Ltd. OUR activities have naturally been largely diverted to war purposes, but whilst it is impossible to forecast the future and possible further Government demands, it is the company's policy to do its utmost to continue to supply civil customers' requirements both at home and abroad. This means that whilst Government requirements will be given priority so long as the necessity exists, we hope to continue to supply oil-engined buses and,trolleybuses to cor porations, etc., as their needs arise. It is also our full intention to maintain adequate spares and service arrangements so far as is humanly possible. This policy is based on the anticipation that purchases of these classes of vehicle will be confined to essential replace ments, which means a considerably reduced demand until the conclusion of the war, when arrears will have to he overtaken. Export business will receive special attention. There is little to add to the foregoing except that we are taking all necessary steps to keep all our models well ahead in the matter of design. We regard this as of primary importance. We feel that progress must not be neglected during war-time, our policy being to be always absolutely ready with the latest in vehicles. We regard this progress as of particular importance in assisting to preserve and expand the export markets. NEW ECONOMY-VEHICLE PROGRAMME By H. Seaward, Joint Managing Director, Morris Motors, Ltd. THE importance of maintaining the prestige of British motor vehicles in export markets during the period of hostilities has continuously been kept in mind by the Morris concern. It has also been realized that commercial transport at home must have at least as much consideration as the necessarily reduced market for private cars. Moreover, at a time like this, it is essential that the trader, especially the relatively small trader, should obtain 20s. in the £ for his expenditure on delivery, whether as a capital charge m running expenses. Although our existing 5-cwt. and 10-cwt. vans have enjoyed a generous measure of popularity, we have now put in hand a great number of improvements which we regard as necessary to the times. Very shortly we shall be able to bring them to the notice of traders through, we hope, the hospitality of these pages, and we deeply regret that we cannot at the moment take advantage of the Editor's kind offer to publish details. We can say, however, that the new 5-cwt. van will be of increased capacity, yet equally thrifty of fuel. As things settle down after the upheaval of the early months of the war, we believe that business transport will assume its erstwhile significance in the life of the community, and wer shall endeavour to the best of our ability to meet the demands for light, economical vehicles. We shall regard this section of our activities as being as important as any in the prosecution of the war, if only for rapid and economical local movements of food and other essentials upon which stamina and endurance depend. a VITAL POINTS REQUIRING CONSIDERATION By S. W. Wilford, Chairman and Managing Director, W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd. I T has been recognized by the Government that the export trade is of great-importance, but there are certain factors not advantageous to the maintenance and development of export business. Recently a deputation from the Federation of British Industries to the-Prime Minister -urged that our export trade should be looked upon and organized as a vital part of the nation's war effort, instead of being just an ancillary activity. The question of financial security can, no doubt, be provided for in the Government's export credit arrangement, sponsored by the Board of Trath... When the present inaction passes and we assume a fully offensive stage, the Government may demand full support from the industry, when it may be difficult for makers to produce for. export. It may be possible, however, for the Ministry of Supply so to arrange its demand upon the oil-engine industry that a part of its facilities can be released for export business, thus helping the Government on the economic front. Overseas markets can be exploited to the full advantage only by maintaining prices at the lowest possible level. This factor must be to the fore when controlled costs of raw materials are being fixed and wages agreements negotiated. On January 21 a strong committee, representative of Chambers of Commerce throughout the country, met in London, and as a result of its deliberations a letter was addreged to the Prime Minister dealing at length with the export and home trade. This letter covered some of the points to which we have referred. Pressure is being brought upon the Prime Minister and the President of the-Board of Trade to organize our national export trade on a similar basis to the fighting and civildefence Services.