Nice one, Darling...
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Brian Weatherley puts his head under the pillow and tries to block out the details of Alistair Darling's new road scheme.
Today I shall be writing mainly about roads not least as I've recently been inundated by press missives on the subject, all of which have done nothing for my post-Christmas dyspepsia.
But enough grumbling, let's offer a loud "Huzzah!" for plucky Transport Secretary Alistair Darling and his plan for the first ever 'car pool' motorway lane between Junctions 7-10 of the Ml. Kiss congestion goodbye forever! I for one will be sleeping easier in my bed. If it works, the DfT says it may extend the concept to other motorways, even though there are no plans to use safety cameras to enforce the scheme. Instead, or so it's reported, enforcement will be handled by local police patrol cars presumably the same patrol cars currently stopping all those drivers still using mobile phones.
What really fascinates me is the potential collision between the car pool culture and the English, if not British, psyche. Will hundreds of complete strangers now start sharing the same car (well obviously not THE same car) simply to avoid traffic jams? It reminds me of the story about the two Englishmen, two Scotsmen, two Welshmen and two Irishmen who are washed ashore together on a desert island. Quick as a flash the two Welshmen form themselves into a male-voice choir. The two Scotsman immediately have a pick-up game of soccer with a coconut. The two Irishmen discover a plant which, when boiled up with water, creates a passable version of poteen. And the two Englishmen, of course, wait three years to be formally introduced to each other...
Before I'm bombarded with calls accusing me of casual racism (can racism ever be casual?), here's a serious question: why speed up the journey of car commuters when they're the very people the government wants to switch onto the railways? By all means provide priority lanes but for heaven's sake, for cargo not commuters. As for me I'm off down the shops to buy a blow-up doll (er... strictly male of course).
"Provide priority lanes cargo. As for me I'm off the shops to buy a blowdoll (strictly male, of cou