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3rd February 2005
3rd February 2005
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Page 1, 3rd February 2005

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LRUC: good news for green trucks

Customs & Excise is denying that the proposed Lorry Road User Charge will penalise operators with frugal trucks. Guy Sheppard...

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Volvo faces tunnel death case

VOLVO WILL STAND trial this week charged with manslaughter for its part in the 1999 Mont Blanc tunnel fire which killed 39...

Administrators called in at Fruehauf

ONE OF THE UK's best known trailer builders, Crane Fruehauf, has gone into administration with the loss of 345 jobs and the...

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Transport Tribunal backs TC in latest round of Pallas case

:ontroversial north-eastern operators Pallas Transport and Montana Transport have had another difficult day in front of the...

A bid lor a new licence by John McCaffrey trading

as Montana Transport, has been adjourned to allow independent tests to be carried out on fuel samples to see if they contain...

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NE told: Think truck!

LOCAL AUTHORITIES in the North-East must focus on the needs of the freight industry or face damagingtheirlocal...

Payout for gay jibes

A MANAGER FOR waste company Cleanaway has won a landmark case at an employment tribunal after enduring constant taunts over his...

Nice one, Darling...

Brian Weatherley puts his head under the pillow and tries to block out the details of Alistair Darling's new road scheme....

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Freight Speed crisis deepens as its bank account is frozen

Debt collectors are sent to Freight Speed UK. David Hams reports. FREIGHT SPEED UK, the Derbyshire freight forwarder that...

Mersey toll cut plan

VIERSEYTRAVEL IS planning a radical restructuring of the Mersey runnel tolls in which the price for wavy trucks could be cut...

Hazardous by name...

AVON & SOMERSET police report that 61% of the trucks carrying hazardous loads they checked last year were breaking the law. Of...

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That was the year...

CM was launched in 1905; for our centenary year we're bringing you stories from years gone by. This week we're back in 1908 and...

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IRU tells French to ;art dispute now

'rench strikes block Channel ports, igain, to the frustration of UK inions... David Harris reports. TRIKING SEA FRANCE...

On the margin

Mine's a double Take a stroll with us through the little sideroads of haulage, the diversions and detours, the quirky, the...

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TNT drivers frustrated by lack of WTD change

TNT concludes the second stage of its annual pay rise, but its drivers feel let down by the VVID's Periods of Availability....

while others stall in pay talks

PAY NEGOTIATORS for the Scottish hire-and-reward sector have failed to reach agreement during their first full meeting in four...

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Study says no scope for waste on trains

A TWO-YEAR research project into waste transport in Scotland says the opportunities to switch from road to rail are limited....

Transport help for LDCs

TRANSPORT CHARITY Transaid is to expand its remit by offering its expertise to other organisations working in developing...

Wheel loss awareness

ROAD SAFETY campaign group Brake has published an information pack to highlight the danger of wheel loss. The...

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:igarette smugglers cost £2.4m in tax

k. GANG HAS been jailed for a Dial of nearly 12 years for ttempting to smuggle some eight - Union cigarettes into the UK,...

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Police warning: Don't pull over trucks for bogus cops

POLICE HAVE warned operatoils to be on the look out for bogus police officers who attempt to stop trucks in order to steal...

Rage attack om foreign driver

A HUNGARIAN truck driver seriously ill in hospital following road rage attack in Birminghai which left him needing surgery The...

Security unit reaches Russia

PAN-EUROPEAN SECURIT' firm Eurowatch has expanded it service to include the Baltic Sate and Russia.The service allows sut...

Witnesses to collision wanted

SOUTHYORKSH1RE police are appealing for information following a collision between a car and a car transporter which left a...

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A simpler option?

Fory Peer Lord Attlee says the government's plans for Lorry Road User :harging are too complex and too expensive to run. But...

What do operators think?

Didc Denby, MD of Lincoln-based Denby Transport, who buys 70% of his fuel on the Continent thinks is a good idea. This would...

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Geared for growth

With turnover up more than 1 9% and profits up more than 23 0 /0 1 rental giant Northgate is clearly doing something right. To...

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trial for everyone

1-IE ANSWER TO the M42 ingle-lane problem lies with car rivers, so spare a thought for hem as they approach the exit at unction...

What a peach

. READ WITH INTEREST this veek's article on Polish drivers . CM20 January). I interviewed ;ix English drivers for a position...

Perhaps our tolls should pay...

VERY INTERESTING that the Highways Agency should react to the Freight Transport Association's suggestion that, in order to keep...

Higher speeds worked here

A FEWYEARS AGO, here in Alberta, when the speed limit was raised from 100km/h to 110km/h it was decided that heavy vehicles...

Limits are anachronistic

THE LIMIT should have been raised a long time ago, although a lower limit would need to remain on some narrow or hilly A-roads...

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The horns of a dilemma

As demand for trailers across Europe shows little sign of abating Brian Weatherley tal Ks to two leading UK manufacturers with...

Trailer makers go for growth

Despite a major jump in demand for trailers last year, registrations in 2005 across Europe are expected to cool somewhat....

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As margins become ever slimmer UK trailer makers face a difficult dilemma. While standard dry-freight products such as...

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Company director banned

A Lincolnshire firm which was a front for a "very bad operator' loses its licence for three years to protect public and...

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Timber truck topples as it approaches school

A TIMBER vehicle's brakes were found to be in an "appallingly bad condition" after it overturned while going downhill near a...

690 blow for using a fraudulent disc FRAUDULENTLY DISPLAYING a

car tax disc on a goods vehicle has cost a Wednesfield operator £690 in fines, costs and back duty. And when searched the...

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Licence mistake and ad hoc rest costs owner-driver a bundle

AN OWNER-driver has been ordered to pay £450 in fines and costs for hours offences and for not having the right licence to...

Industry veteran censured on maintenance

A CUMBRIAN haulier who has been in the industry for 40 years has had his licence curtailed from seven vehicles to four and he...

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The troubleshooters

In the first of a new series Patric Cunnane focuses on the law firms that help keep operators compliant and who defend them...

WFQ's guide to implementing an effective risk policy : 1

Take the time to draw up a good set of policies and systems. It usually takes many hours, even for a specialist. 2 Present the...

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Buyer beware

If you're unlucky enough to buy a truck from someone who doesn't actually own it you might be entitled to keep it... Douglas...

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Legal Q&A is a service to all CM readers in which specialist road transport lawyers will attempt to provide the answers to your...

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Renault's original Mascot was so elusive we dubbed it the Mirage. But we've hunted down the latest version to find out if it...

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Following years of determination in the face of some major setbacks, [DV has finally launched its first ever brand new model —...

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Smooth, fast and flexible

Before driving off the routine of setting up the driving position revealed the lack of an adjustable steering column;...

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The condition of returning lease trucks is often the source of dispute. Steve Banner finds out what's acceptable — and what's...

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If you're carrying goods you'll need insurance. But will it cover all eventualities? Julian Nines reports. L ike death and...

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Do's and don'ts • Do always take advice from an expert haulage insurance broker when assessing your policy.

• Do incorporate your conditions of carriage with your customers. • Do report any incidents to the insurers as and when they...

Variables of Gil insurance Different factors to consider when choosing

an insurance policy are: • Sub-contractors contingency insurance -to protect the haulier should they pass loads to a...

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Andy Salter wanders the Brussels Show — and wonders if it was worth the effort... I n days of old. Brussels and its near...

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The Sly MT is preparing guidelines for bodybuilders to certify their quality levels in the run-up to Whole Vehicle Type...

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A refreshing lack of zeal

Too many laws and stultifying working practices choke Sandy Bruce who wishes we could shrug off the nanny state. W e have...

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Ford flexes residual muscles

The Transit is proving its mastery of residual values three years after the launch of the Connect. CAP Red Book editors tell us...

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A river of trucks

Last year saw strong sales performances at the auctions. CM visits Manheim Auctions following its first sale of the year at...

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Decades of Daf dedication

Daf Trucks sits at the top of the tree when it comes to selling new trucks, so how does its independent franchise network set...

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Daf Endurance offers vehicles under six years old with a three-month driveline warranty, a full service and a minimum nine...

n the forecourt

A good example of the type of vehicle on the Ford & Slater forecourt is FL51 DDJ: a September 2001registered Daf CF85 6x2...