New skeletal range by York
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A NEW RANGE of skeletal and platformskeletal trailers, has been announced by York Trailer Co. Ltd. Savings on existing models which have been made possible by re-design ing some of the components, work out at about £130 on a platform-skeletal, £60 or a straight skeletal..
Most significant change on the new trailers is in the design of the outriggers, which are again threaded through the main-frame, but are now based on a high-tensile l-beam. The cantilever sections of the new outriggers are deeply tapered so that the point load imposed by the corner posts of a container is spread through the main-frame. The I-beam web is cut and shut to form a taper, retaining the strength of the bottom flange.
The basic framework of existing York skele-tals and platforms—the lightweight castellated frame with tubular cross-members—is unchanged in the new range with, as before, special consideration being given to building strength into the vulnerable gooseneck area to cater for additional loading, such as might be imposed by locating containers on the chassis mid-way between coupler and suspension. The new trailers, with high-tensile steel used for the re designed outriggers, have virtually an all high-tensile specification.
The new platform skeletals again feature underfloor cross-members at 12in. centres to allow fork trucks to work the length of the platform, and they are equipped with international twistlocks which accept any ISO container. The weight of the containers is taken through the corner castings, eliminating the need to spread the load along the platform with timber bolsters.
The standard twistlock assembly featured on the new models permits the lock to be recessed or removed at will. On the PSK models this provides an unobstructed platform for regular loads. On the, skeletal models it means that the same assembly can be used throughout on trailers built to carry more than one size of container. Formerly, different swing-away twistlocks were used as centre units on, for example, a 40-footer designed to carry two 20-footers as well as a single 40ft container.
York running gear and two-speed landing gear are standard on all the new skeletals and platform-skeletals.