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1/8-engined Guy Export Chassis
• A V8-engined Guy bus/coach chassis for export markets will be shown for the first time at the Brussels show, which opens on January 15. It will be an 11-metre Guy Conquest......
Yorkshire Motorway Service Wakefield-leeds In 20 Minutes
• On New Year's day, Yorkshire started its first new-type local express service, using M1 on a local section between Wakefield and Leeds, reaching speeds of up to 60 mph on the......
Double Scotch Holidays
• Bus staffs in Scotland took Boxing Day off in such numbers that services in Edinburgh.. Glasgow and other main towns were severely curtailed. This is not a traditional......
Colchester Strike Called Off
• The 10-day strike by 120 Colchester busmen which began on December 20 was called off following a meeting between the corporation transport committee and union negotiators on......
Birmingham 'four Fares Plan
• A plan for only four fares-6d to 2s, in 6d stages—was put to Birmingham transport committee this week. Not, said the committee chairman, Ur. Donald Lewis. a "disguised"......
0—m—o In Glasgow
• Glasgow Corporation is extending oneman operation as from January 19 on certain routes, in agreement with the TGWU. Two Pollok routes have been operated partially on these......