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One Hears A Great Deal About Invest Ment Grants For
industry. Can you give me a brief summary of the topic as far as it concerns road transport? A Investment grants are provided for in the Industrial Development Act 1966. The......
Q Would You Please Explain The Meaning Of A Number
of terms used in "The Next 10 Years" articles? These comprise "exhaust gate", as applied to turbochargers, "constant horsepower" as applied to turbocharged engines and "cut in"......
Q I Have Heard The Terms Cif And Fob Used
in connection with shipping consignments. Can you please give me the respective definitions? A CIF stands for cost, insurance and freight. When goods are sold on these terms,......
Q A Colleague Has Been Summoned For
driving for a continuous period exceeding 54hours. The alleged offence occurred on a Saturday when he was running-in empty over a distance of approximately 150 miles: total......