London Consultative Committee Formed
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COVERING the London Transport 1---,Executive's area and concerned with both passenger and goods traffic, a Transport Users' Consultative Cornmittee for London has been formed by the Minister of Transport.
Members are Aid, J. Fitzgerald„l.., Chairman; Mr. W. F, Podmore, Mr. H. C. Crane, M.Inst.T.., Mr, E. E. Young, Mr. L. G. Burleigh, M.lnst.T., Mr. E. W. Rainer, Mr. F. Alittack,
Mr, A. Anderson, Mr. J. Crowley, Coun. H. J. E. Palethorpe, Coon, G. Allison-Beer, Aid. E. A, Wood, J.P., Ald. F. L. Carrick, J.P., Coun. A. C. Marshall, Aid. W..0. Fiske, Mrs. T. Cazalet Keir, Mrs. D. Robinson, Mr. K. W. Q. Grand, and Mr. J. H. F. Bedard. The secretary is Mr. G. Cole Deacon, C.B.E. Offices of the committee will be at 22, Palace,Chambers, London, S.W.1. The members represent commerce, industry, labour and local authorities, and some have been nominated by the Minister and the British Transport Commission.
The committee may consider any matter, including charges, affecting the services provided by the B.T.C. in London. In particular, it must consider matters which arise from representations by users, or are referred to it by the Minister or the CommisSion. The recommendations or conclusions of the committee will be notified to the Central Transport Consultative Committee for Great Britain and to the Commission.