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T HE Labour Party ha pt gained a Cadt ty. teart A Public M vieto Re-elected by a i'uoard of a Far minority vote and a meagre...
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Synthetic Mica BeCONSIDERABLE use is comes a Practical ‘-'made of mica in electrical Proposition. . . equipment, including...
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• That the result of the election has probably spoilt the prospects of the automatic "clutch." Of those who so thoroughly...
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"T HOSE of us who are preoccupied with the imperative need to reduce costs, view the return at the top of the poll of the...
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Travel Survey B LIEVED to be the first of its kind eVer undertaken on a similar scale. by:any transport organization in the...
H EARING of the Annis case was 'resumed before the Metropolitan Licensing Authority this week. A number of witnesses was called...
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been aPpOintecla . director Of Thomas Tilling, Ltd: , MR. J. 1-1EVe'SON has been - reappointed, chairman Of the Agricultural...
Federatio n, the British Transport, CoMmisSion denies that its policy Is to force the public to use rail. services without...
O PPOSITION "in principle to the nationalization of road transport, believing it is more efficient left in private hands," has...
iT is reported that about 150 coaches I will be used to take supporters or Leeds United Football Club to the cuptie match with...
A MONO exhibitors at the Ideal rid-lames Exhibition will be Wallace Arnold Tours, Ltd. The interior of the stand, which has...
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G LASGOW Transport Department . intends to experiment with a single-deck trolleybus of Continental design, carrying about 28...
PONCESSIONS to miners have been Is— , costing the Rhondda Transport Co. £14,121 a year, Last Friday, the company applied to the...
U TRGING the need for greater grants 1 .-.'for the upkeep of roads, Lindsey county surveyor states in a report to the highways...
A PPLICATION is to be made by Leeds Passenger Transport Committee for authority to increase by Id, fares on special bus and...
C OVERING the London Transport 1 --- , Executive's area and concerned with both passenger and goods traffic, a Transport Users'...
A LTHOUGH there was to be no Afr - ‘ general increase in fares throughout Scotland, the company desired to even out fares and...
A COMMITTEE has been -set up by the Ministry of Food to discuss ways of overcoming traffic difficulties during the Festival of...
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A REPORT from Holland that plans for a commercial-vehicle ferry service from Tilbury to Rotterdam, Holland, have been shelved...
A WARDS have now been made for the Maythorn Essay Competition, 1949, organized by the Institute of British Carnage and...
recent publ6cations in "The Modern Car Easy Guide" series —" Taking Care of a Car" and "Carburetters and the Fuel System," both...
Ai SOLUTION of what he called the farmer's bane—the rapid wastage of tractor tyres—was announced by Mr. L. W. R. Morley,...
T HE first issue of the "British Road Services Magazine," price 3d., has just been published by the Road Haulage Executive. It...
B US fares throughout the Province of Quebec have been raised because of increased operating costs. The Provincial Transport...
Wolf Electric Tools. Ltd., has opened a Canadian branch at 2271, Bloor Street West, Toronto. 9. Stewart and Ardern, Ltd.,...
A N address by Mr. Harold Clay, a PI member of the Road Haulage Executive, on "Industrial relations in Road Transport," will be...
British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers held its annual dinner-dance. attended by over 500 persons. Sir Frederick...
R ECOGNITION has Leen given by the National Union of Vehicle Builders to a strike of employees of Crossley Motors, Ltd., on the...
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A S the result of an attack made on him by some Socialists, Mr. Sydney S. Guy, chaifman of Guy Motors, Ltd., has sent an...
A S a result of what the prosecutor Pi described as "one of the most deliberate offences ever brought before this court,"...
I N a statement urging continued opposition from the public against the nationalization of road passenger transport, the...
A N application by Derby Borough Police Athletic Club to run its own coach on excursions and tours has been refused by the East...
S IXTY-EIGHT makes of commercial vehicle of 10 different nationalities will be seen at the Amsterdam Conunercial Modal' Show,...
D IFFICULTIES over uniform documentation for goods carried by international road services have been solved in discussions...
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Precious Bane p ETROL is an innocent-looking liquid with explosive properties. Users of the precious bane must often have...
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BULK TRANSPORT PAYS Cost System Employed by William Younger and Co., Ltd., of Edinburgh, Ensures Sound Policy in Fleet...
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defeated at the General Election, Mr. Alfred Barnes Minister of Transport since 1945, was returned as Labour Co-operative...
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T RADESMEN of all kinds, in particular the Co-operative Society, are nowadays miffing their business on the roads, in order to...
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Cubic Ft. a Minute 0 VER 500,000 cubic ft of furniture was installed at a rate of 220 cubic ft. a minute by means of a...
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How the Problem of Obstruction and Loss of Vehicle Availability was Tackled and Successfully Solved in New York City By Harry...
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A N electric starter has always been a feature of Chaseside equipment powered by an oil engine, but it has not been available...
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Largest Tractor Produced in This Country has 250 b.h.p. Oil Engine, 12-speed Main and Auxiliary Gearboxe , 4 and Huge...
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requireinents,"a new 29-seater coach body on . a . Commer Avenger chassis has been •built_by Anshir Pty.., Ltd.', for its...
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THE article by " Janus " in your issue dated I February 3, exactly sums up the unhappy position of the haulier. My father...
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NAANY ex-Service vehicles being used infor civilian purposes are running on 10.50 by 16 tyres. The permissible loading figure...
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and ERROR I HAVE recently dealt with an interesting problem on behalf of a C-licensee concerning how the haulage of 100 tons...
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T HE invention shown in patent No. 632,861, which relates to synchromesh mechanisms, particularly as applied to the gearbox of...