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Mr. Guy Answers The Socialists
A S the result of an attack made on him by some Socialists, Mr. Sydney S. Guy, chaifman of Guy Motors, Ltd., has sent an interim report to the 7,500 shareholders, assuring them......
No Licences: Operator Fined
A S a result of what the prosecutor Pi described as "one of the most deliberate offences ever brought before this court," Fletchers (Leeds), Ltd., Buslingthorpe Lane, Leeds, was......
Northern General Will Not Raise Fares
I N a statement urging continued opposition from the public against the nationalization of road passenger transport, the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., states: "The......
Police Club's Excursions Stopped
A N application by Derby Borough Police Athletic Club to run its own coach on excursions and tours has been refused by the East Midland Licensing Authority. The club had......
68 Makes At Dutch Show
S IXTY-EIGHT makes of commercial vehicle of 10 different nationalities will be seen at the Amsterdam Conunercial Modal' Show, to be held from March 23 to April 1. Germany will......
States Agree On Uniform Carnet
D IFFICULTIES over uniform documentation for goods carried by international road services have been solved in discussions between the Federation Internationale des Autoclubs......