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Mr. Harold Clay on Conciliation •

3rd March 1950, Page 38
3rd March 1950
Page 38
Page 38, 3rd March 1950 — Mr. Harold Clay on Conciliation •
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A N address by Mr. Harold Clay, a PI member of the Road Haulage Executive, on "Industrial relations in Road Transport," will be one of the highlights of next week's programme of the Institute of Transport. Mr. Clay will speak at a meeting of the Institutes North Western Section at Manchester Chamber of Commerce, on March 10. Brig.-Gen. Sir H. Osborne Mance will be present.

Other meetings will include the following:—March 6: Metropolitan Section, Livingstone House, Broadway. London, S.W.1, "Road Safety at Home and Abroad," by J. A. A. Pickard; Sheffield Section, Royal Victoria Hotel. Sheffield, " Road Transport Pooling and Possibilities," by C. S. Dunbar. March 7Midland Section, Imperial Hotel, Birmingham, ", Twenty Years of Road Transport Legislation and Now," by J. Foley Egginton, West Midland Deputy Licensing Authority. March 9: Merseyside Section, Passenger Transport Offices, Hatton Garden, Liverpool. paper by D. S. Inman, chairman of the section.